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Learning through collaboration
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will be a development and deepening of our existing link with the school in Rome. The funding will allow 3 staff from Steeton School to visit the Italian school in 2016-17. This will fulfil our objectives outlined in our European Development Plan:1 Our objective to ensure that pupils make significant progress in the basic skills (reading, writing and mathematics) through a broad and exciting creative curriculum. This also includes our aim of improving the attainment of pupils with low basic skills.2 Staff taking part in the mobililties, including teachers and teaching assistants, and the wider staff following our dissemination plan, will benefit in the following ways:i) increased competencies in their own work, including new ideas for tools and methodology;ii) better understanding of the education system both in the UK and Europe;iii) increased ability to address the needs of children with English as a second language;iv) greater awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity in our school and community;v) more confidence to plan our future pupil mobilities;vi) improved Italian language competence;vii) increased motivation and satisfaction in their own work and role in school;viii) improved European awareness which they will bring into future curriculum planning.3 Ensuring socially disadvantaged pupils, and those vulnerable to underachievement, achieve well. Improvement of our provision and learning outcomes for pupils with English as a second language, and those who arrive in school with no English. 4 Increasing tolerance and awareness of cultural diversity, both for pupils and staff.5 Sharing of expertise in the use of IT across the curriculum, being used in real situations for real communication. Pupils and staff in both schools benefit.6 Increased European dimension within our school:i) A strengthened link with a school in Italy to give pupils the opportunity and reason to pupils for learning some Italian (currently not offered at any local secondary schools).ii) Steeton school will benefit from wider staff participation in European projects. This staff development is a key part of our 5-year plan to provide opportunities for pupil visits abroad within the next 4 years.iii) A reciprocal benefit for pupils and staff in both schools from a continued and deepening school link.iv) Continuing use of eTwinning projects within our creative curriculum. 7 Dissemination will be throughout our school; locally through continued mentoring of the other schools within our collaborative; locally through press articles; nationally and internationally via Twitter and eTwinning and through our staff member Diana Linford who is a UK eTwinning Ambassador.
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1 Partners Participants