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Learning Situations for Embedded System Study Lab - NetLab
End date: Aug 6, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is contribution to raising the level of vocational education students and continuous education of professional workers in broad field of engineering domains, but specially in ICT and embedded systems by transferring the innovative study concept, namely Learning Situations from Germany to Nordic Europe region (mainly Estonia, but also to Finland and later Sweden), by adopting the product to Estonian needs and bringing them to Internet environment.The aim is planned to archive by carrying out following activities:- Performing deep analysis of current industrial situation, study methods and student behavior in target sector- Adopting the Learning Situation according to acquired knowledge- Establishing the Remote Lab Centers (the runtime environment for Learning Situations) - Bringing the Learning Situations to e-learning environment - Full piloting of the solution in Estonia and Finland, light piloting in Germany and Sweden. All listed activities are on the frame of professional project management and financial surveillance. The dissemination is continuous process starting on the very beginning of the project and continuing after the official end, by following the developed Future Strategy document.

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