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Learning Mobility for Individuals
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International CIDESCO accreditation (2001), CIDESCO diploma and the international nature of the education programme has a positive effect on the mobility and competitiveness of the new professionals of Riga School of Cosmetics (esthablished -1996). Education mobility is a part of the school’s strategy. The carried out EU life-long education Leonardo da Vinci programme "Mobility" and "Partnership" projects had a positive effect on the quality of professional education and on the development of the teaching staff and motivated to take part in a new project – ERASMUS+. To strengthen the cooperation in the development of professional education between all three Baltic States, we have chosen project partners in related schools in Tallinn (Estonia) and Vilnius (Lithuania). The main emphasis of the new project – to strengthen professional skills of students, mastering of new competencies, the understanding and comparison of professional qualification levels (national and European); professional development of professional education teachers and professionals and implementation of improvements in the student qualification internships regarding organisation, management and evaluation in schools, companies, including abroad, strengthening of cooperation in different education forms and ensuring continuing possibilities for new professional development. Total number of participants in the project – 24, in every partner organisation – 12, including 10 students and 2 professional education teachers, professionals who provide daily trainings and manage qualification internships/traineeships in schools and working places. The hosting organisation is responsible for activities: 1) introducing the city, countries cultural history, the operation, traditions, education methodology un material base of the partner education institution, meeting and discussions with educational staff about development of professional education in a unified European context; 2) jointly project participant meetings and discussions in the education institution and about these subjects and examples of good practice: - competencies of a cosmetologist, education results according to professional qualification levels – national, European (EQF), - practical trainings and organisation, management and evaluation of qualification internships/traineeships in schools and outside it, - cooperation with companies and professionals regarding trainings and ensuring of internship/traineeship positions in a real working environment, - acquiring new competencies (caused by rapid scientifically technical progress) and implementing these in the training process and aesthetic cosmetology practice, - cooperation with national and international professional trade organisations for cosmetologists, advantages. 3) professional education teacher, professional-internship supervisor meetings and discussions about following questions: - comparison (national and European experience) of managing, monitoring and evaluation of qualification internships/traineeships, comparison of the evaluation of students’ professional activities, international vision, acquiring new experiences, - participation of employers in the development of professional education nowadays, determinative role in identification of the demand for professionals and requirements for education quality in the labour market. 4) participation in classes, practical duties in the school’s cosmetic cabinets and beauty service companies, monitoring of student professional activities, recording (internship diaries), evaluation. Results are benefits during the project and after project – improvement of the school’s capacity, development possibilities in a unified European context, international vision to current events and problems of professional education, improvement of professional education quality, different training forms in cooperation, new possibilities of professional development will be provided, this will ensure continuity of the life-long learning process. The course and results of the project will be reflected in the school’s homepage, Facebook account, mass media and industry professional magazines. Good practice stories, new acquisition in the training of cosmetologists will be reviewed in an extended pedagogical council meeting, valuable conclusions will be implemented in the education process. In conclusion a conference about possibilities of professional education development in unified European context, current events and challenges in European labour market for professional education teachers, the company appointed professionals-qualification internships supervisors, employers, students and school graduates will be organised. In long term the project will improve the cooperation between the three Baltic States in the matter of professional education development, employment of professionals, international mobility and increases ability of equivalent fitting in the European labour market.
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2 Partners Participants