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Learning in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project has two different aims: On the one hand, we would like to offer students the possibility of learning about other cultures and traditions and also about different organizational methods and working environments which will enrich them as individuals.The fact of travelling to and living in a foreign country will undoubtedly provide them with a greater sense of autonomy and independence and the personal satisfaction of being able to manage by themselves in a different country as one way of attaining maturity. Besides, the students would be able to improve their competence in foreign languages. Summing up, all this would undoubtedly lead to to a sizeable improvement in their employability and the opportunity to accede to better job positions on their return. On the other hand, as vocational training teachers, our main concern is to improve the quality of the education that we provide our students and to favour their transition to the labour market.. With that aim, we consider indispensable getting to know other methodological approaches and organizational methods which have been proven quite effective in other countries. Moreover, it would be an opportunity for us to improve our linguistic competence. Participant number and profile: - 8 students from the Microsystems and Nets Intermediate Qualification - 4 teachers from the same qualification educational team. Activities: - 8 VET traineeships in Rende, CS, 87036, Italy. - 4 staff training mobilities as job shadowing in Valkeakoski, 37601 Finland. Methodology: All the activities carried out both by students and teachers will be disseminated through a platform designed for that purpose. We will reinforce the necessary tools to keep a permanent contact with both students and partners. Outcomes and impact: Our aim is to contribute to create a European learning zone in which students , teachers and enterprises alike may have access both to a record of their common experiences, the materials issued , the new digital devices… and also allow for the suitable connections for enterprises and students to share simple and efficient communication tools. Within a national and European scale, we would like to project a better image of a rural environment like ours as regards as its technology development, showing that precisely these technological tools have allowed us to set up this European project. Long term benefits: - Improve the cultural and economic development in the local area. - Establishment of new and fruitful links between Spain and other European countries. - Improve the student’s employability. - Improve the quality of the education provided to students.
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2 Partners Participants