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Learning and Innovation competences in the growing industry of packaging. Development of curricula’s, pedagogic practices and ways to minimize dropout of learners.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of this project is the forecasts of an annual growth in the marked of packaging, compared with the fact that packaging is neither well included in any of the partners educational programs nor in the national programs for the vocational educations within the graphic area. Based on these information the project intend to develop courses in the growing area of packaging design and production, and while doing this, also to compare pedagogic and didactic methods, and to learn from the different partners how to succeed with minimizing drop out in the educational systems in Europe. To achieve the best project results the participants from the partners will have different profiles. From the five partner schools there will be teachers who will be able teach and develop curricula’s for courses in the field of packaging design and production. The participating teachers will also have great knowledge about the pedagogic and didactic methods that is used at their school, and will be aware of the increasing dropout risk in their country. A number of companies from the packaging industry will participate as associated partners and their role will be to give inspiration to the design of the educational activities in the project, to quality assure the activities and to host visits by students and teachers participating in the project. To receive the planned outcomes following three phases methodology will be used: Pre-work, transnational meeting and after-work. The transnational meetings the will be seven exchanges and in five of the transnational meetings a number of students from each of the partner schools will participate in order to test the developed curricula’s in an international setup. The benefits of the project results has a potential longer impact than the duration of the projects, the new developed packaging courses will be used for teaching at the 5 participating organizations, and hopefully at other VET-institutions with programs in graphic educations. Considerations about lessons learnt about pedagogic and didactic methods in the three different EU counties will be considered at each partner organization. As well as the best practice for reducing drop out will be implemented at the partner organisations.

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4 Partners Participants