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Learn to Teach - Weiterbildung und Europäisierung von Personal in der Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through our current mobility project "Growing Together" we have already been able to allow some staff rewarding learning experiences, who have carried back valuable ideas into the VGÖ and contributed largely to the European orientation of VGÖ. However, there is still a need for further development, in-depth training and European exchanges in departments commited to adult education in the VGÖ. In order to continue the European orientation and to give VGÖ staff the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, to take advantage of synergies with companies and find new ways of structuring the information, we want to correspond to the learning needs of the participating staff through the proposed mobility project "Learn to Teach - Weiterbildung und Europäisierung von Personal in der Erwachsenenbildung".Project background: Adult education in areas such as health, environmental protection and consumer protection – such as the VGÖ is involved in – is often provided by NGOs, that have expanded their field of education in the form of workshops, information events, and trainings. Often these offer first-class learning experiences, with competent teachers and innovative methods, whereas the managerial aspects of the organisations get paid far too little attention. Furthermore, factors like growth of the organisation, the emergence of new technologies, and the Europeanisation of content require the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Project objectives: The main objectives are on the one hand to grow the employees and volunteers of the VGÖ in pedagogical, didactic, and management issues, and at the same time to broaden their European experience, leading to improvement of quality. In addition, synergies between organisations should be recognized and exploited. Number and profile of participants: Mobilities to be carried out of seven employees in the fields of management, nutrition counseling, corporate collaboration, social media, volunteer management and event management / education campaigns.Description of activities: The staff members of the VGÖ make contact with other European adult education institutions, and take part in training courses. The training courses are 3-day workshops on the subjects of 'Management tools for adult education institutions', 'Nutrition and Health', 'Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship', 'Nonviolent Communication', 'E-Marketing', 'Effective Volunteering', 'Business Cooperation' and 'Design and Quality Assurance in Information Campaigns'. The partner organisations are also thematically related, so that the losses due to transfer of knowledge from the courses to ones own work can be minimised.Procedures for project implementation: Before the mobilities start, a thorough preparation takes place (contact, video conferences, compilation of info-package for each target country, language courses, definitions of learning contents and outcomes, partner contracts). Upon successful completion of the mobilities, the experiences and results will be disseminated within the VGÖ as well as within the adult education sector in general, and every mobility will be evaluated in multiple ways. There will also be a certification process using the Europass Mobilitypass. Expected results and impact and anticipated long-term benefits: The participants will tap into new fields of work and an improved professional self. The VGÖ sustains contact with other European adult education institutions and enlarges its catchment area. With the newly acquired skills and knowledge also effectiveness and efficiency increases.

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5 Partners Participants