European Projects
Learn it, share it!
Learn it, share it!
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Dec 31, 2017
"Learn it, share it!" is a project based on the concept of sharing: space, time, cultures, opportunities and learning. It will be held in Lecce in Kiio lab coworking, run by VulcanicaMente in partnership with other local organsations.The coworking space is a new challenge and a big opportunity for both VulcanicaMente and volunteers. Kiio Lab is a coworking space, a new form of sharing economy, example on how people can fight unemployement and crisis facing problems not alone, but creating a community and gathering their efforts. The volunteers will live their volunteering experience in an inturcultural and creative space where freelancers and small organisations work in sinergy and share space and ideas. The volunteers will have the opportunity to get inspired about this new way of working.Learn it, share it!" is in line with Erasmus+ objectives and in particular will :- offer intercultural learning opportunity for the volunteers, VulcanicaMente and Kiio Lab community;- improve the level of key competences and skills of the volunteers including those with fewer opportunities;- enhance intercultural and intergenerational dialogue in the local community;- promote the European Voluntary Service and the Erasmus + Program as highly formative experience of life for local youth;- empower volunteers and local youth spirit of iniative and enterpreneurship related to new jobs and coworking.The volunteers will be two :one female and one male, aged between 18-30 years old and from Estonia and Hungary. One of the voluteers will be a youngsters with fewer opportunities, social/economical or geographical obstacles.Project activities will start from 20th of November 2016 and last on 19th of November 2017, excluding travel days.The volunteers will work 6 days a week, 35 hours a week for up to 7 hours a day. They will have two days off per month for the duration of the project. The weekly timetable can be changed in accordance with the staff.The activities will be carried out in Kiio Lab coworking and will be related to the support coworking space management (event organisation , workshop preparation, space maintenance) and collaboration in VulcanicaMente activities (communication, info-point on European opportunities, language courses, local events in partnership with local NGOs).The project will have as special output a blog and a video realized by participants. "Learn it, share it!" will contribute to volunteers and local youth empowerement, to the local community involvement, to the enhancement of the intercultural and intergenerational dialogue expecially in Kiio Lab, to inform and promote EU opportunities.