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Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn
Start date: Dec 30, 2015, End date: Dec 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Learn to Teach, Teach to Learn is a teacher training mobility under KA1 Adult Education program. We believe in the far-reaching benefits of good quality teaching. As the saying goes: To teach is to touch a life forever. The title of the project was chosen in line with the needs of our teaching staff and our vision of the outcome and results of this teacher training event. One of the core needs evident from the questionnaire given to our teachers and lecturers about knowledge, skills and competences they feel need to be improved, built upon and developed to teach more effectively, lead and counsel students and influence their lives was learning good practices and develop new and innovative skills and methods on teaching, counselling, personal and professional development and growth, and developing IT skills. All the project objectives below are centered around these needs:- to improve the quality of teaching skills of our teachers and lecturers- to develop their IT skills connected to teaching in classroom and via Internet and communication with their students, colleagues and superiors- to raise their awareness and appreciation of other cultures and develop their sense of EU citizenship- to increase networking and the international dimension of our organization- to improve their language competences- to increase their personal development skills- to increase their civic and social competence- to increase their awareness of Erasmus+ projects and the learning opportunities they bring.The 3 participants of each of these mobilities will be teachers and lecturers who work for our organization, professional teachers as well as part-time teachers.Activities in the host organization will take place in Leuven, Belgium at the Radadesh College – from 16 to 20 September 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia – from 18 to 22 May 2016, and in Riga, Latvia in September 2016.The methods used will be: PPT presentations, workshops, lectures, ice-breakers, energizers, group discussions, brainstorming, questionnaires and various self-evaluation, learning by doing techniques, etc.Our educators will attend and experience ice-breakers and energizers, presentations and workshops of various methods and programs for teaching how to plan and deliver the lesson and how to counsel students, workshops on IT skills (how to prepare a high quality PPT presentation, social media, teaching via Internet), lectures and workshops on personal and professional development, evaluation and self-reflection activities, sightseeing of the tourist attractions host organizations, and interactive presentations on Erasmus+ in general.The impact level of this project is aimed mostly at local, regional and national level. Although the teachers will be gaining international insight and experience, it is their local communities that they will serve and help change. At the end of mobility participants will write down their Action Plans –what they will do when they go back to their organizations to put all they have learned into action.Each participants will write their Europass CVs as this is a standard CV in EU and it clearly describes participants' academic, educational and professional accomplishments. The participants will also receive Europass Mobility Document which will record details of the skills and competences acquired by the participant during these mobilities.The mobility activity will give the participants many learning and growing opportunities that will be useful in their future personal and professional life, and beneficial for the organization they work and for the local community.Participating in the training course will help our organization to gain and develop not only very valuable competences and skills, but also experience, as well as credibility for our teaching staff on local level and possibly more students and new teachers will join our educational programs.Our organization will increase the number of learning activities on regional level and will reach more students using the newly acquired IT and teaching skills.By using our website and other IT tools our organization will be able to increase the number of learning activities also on national level.The international network of the sending and receiving organizations will be notified about the project objectives and results during Skype talks or one-on-one meetings, emails, web-page and Facebook articles and posts. Several partners will be invited to apply for future Teacher Training projects or other Adult Education projects in Erasmus+ programs, jointly with our foundation or individually.

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3 Partners Participants