European Projects
LEADER - LEarning And Decision making Resources
LEADER - LEarning And Decision making Resources
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Job search and career management will become the main future challanges for most of people, at any age.
Career guidance is an essential component of modern education and training systems to (re-)orientate younger and older generations towards the acquisition of 21st century skills. Lifelong guidance has been receiving increasing attention at both European and national levels. Two Resolutions of the Education Council (in 2004 and 2008) have highlighted the need for strong guidance services throughout the lifespan to equip citizens with the skills to manage their learning and careers and to lead the transitions between and within education/training and work.
The Resolutions drew attention to four priority areas: 1. the development of career management skills (CMS); 2. accessibility of services; 3. quality assurance and evidence base for policy and systems development; 4. co-ordination of services.
Member States were invited to take action to modernise and strengthen their guidance policies and systems, but in many countries CMS frameworks has not been yet developed. Also previous EU projects provided evidences of this differences of approaches and remarked a great need of a shared framework and related training materials and resources, to improve learning and decision making skills, but also entrepreneurship, at any age.
This project is named LEADER to underline the need of people to learn this strategic skills for managing and driving their own careers in a more and more changeable world. Following the report of ELGPN (2012) “Lifelong Guidance Policy Development: A European Resource Kit”, is based on some crucial questions on CMS:
1. What are the competences that citizens of all ages need in order to effectively manage their career in a lifelong perspective? 2. How can such competences be organised within a framework that is meaningful in their substance and in developmental terms? 3. How can such competences be taught in educational and other contexts, in ways that, while effectively catering for all citizens, are also sensitive to different life development challenges, and the specific concerns of groups and individuals with diverse social, economic, cultural and other needs? 4. How can different providers work together to offer CMS programmes more effectively, in ways that make the best use of their specialised knowledge of the worlds of education, training, and employment? 5. Which pedagogical strategies and resources are most effective in enabling the mastery of career management competences, and how can such mastery be assessed and accredited in ways that support career development across different life stages?
The implementation of this projects aims at the following actions:
1 - identify and develop teaching and learning approaches, methods and resources that effectively support the development of CMS as transversal key competences ;
2 - develop assessment and evaluation methods and practices that improve the quality of learning of Career Management Skills
3 - identify and develop the integration of the European dimension in teaching and learning CMS.
This project also aims at providing the whole professional comunity of career guidance practitioners with useful tools to implement CMS, even with a coherent and consistent use of mod
Starting from some positive experiences already tested from the consortium, this project aims at improving the quality in the learning and guidance processes, developing key skills of practitioners and experimenting innovative tools and methodologies with the use of new technologies. More then 300 users and 200 guidance practitioners from education, high adult edueducation, adult education and Employment services will be directly involved in a wide participatory action-research process for develop this new CME framework.
The needs of students are at the base of the process, taking into account the specific conditions and cultural backgrounds of each region involved in this project.
The project plan includes:
- analysis of guidance needs and CMS frameworks in 6 Countries in different geographical contexts in order to define a shared model;
- adaptation of ICT tools in order to meet the specific needs of practitioners and users, starting from successfully tools and models already used by the partnership;
- testing the best resources and promote dissemination and exploitation activities;
- development of training pathways for guidance practitioners/teachers based on cooperative learning approaches;
- creation of an on-line platform for cooperative learning.