Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Soundscapes European research projectThe project is part of the continuation and extension of the discussions held within the Grundtvig program 2011/13 and already followed by 3 partners sought in this case.The project is organized on three years (2016/2019) and is about "Soundscape Attentive Listening."The aim is to address specific problematics that are not answered in traditional education or training structures : the implementation of electroacoustic and audiovisual equipment for teaching purposes: the use of recording tools for musical and attentive listening training, but also in the familiarization to new technologies, to raise and answer questions around the idea of Soundscapes, to study hearing risks, etc..The project is innovative in its intellectual productions based on a number of learning activities implemented upstream by partners. It is based on the exchange of experiences, with many meetings on teaching methods of transmitting knowledge and experiences that will lead to a new documentation (intellectual products) using digital resources.Five structures GMVL / France, TEMPO REALE and Amici Della Musica / Italy AFEA / Portugal, EPHMEE / Greece are invested in the project. They exercise in different and complementary areas, such as the centers of musical creation, Universities, musical training centers and regularly lead training in conservatories, music schools, publishing houses and schools of art.Meet the demands and training needs in Attentive Listening training and sound production, etc...addressing the largest number on a European scale and to establish the possible connections with major education organizations in each country (National Educations, Universities, initial and continuing training organizations for adults).Learn to be aware of the sound environments around us, learn to analyze it, being able to identify it's source; extract the elements of the identity of each soundscapes, understand the acoustic signature of a place, a space, a culture. Equal weight will be given to sound natural landscapes and urban soundscapes.Foster and promote artistic creation by implementing sound material recorded by the participants during their different mobilities; exchange the collected materials; find appropriate sound creation modes for the different studied soundscapes (sound installation, composition for concert, radio, multimedia development, Internet media, etc.).Discuss teaching methods practiced in each country (teaching electroacoustic techniques to each partner), verify and witness their unfolding on the occasion of mobility and highlights events organized by each partner. Leveraging the exchanges between each structure to share the European sound heritage and recordings and all the documentation generated in different ways: concerts, exhibitions, publishing, radio, Internet, etc.Focusing on the issue of "acoustic ecology" and increase our awareness of the concept of "noise pollution" and the impact of noise on our behavior. In this context it will be important to draw attention to the important issue of hearing risks by promoting knowledge of the functioning of the ear putting forward the intervention of hearing specialists.The main objective is to establish a body of literature at European level made available to all personnel as described above: audible and visual documentation, records of experiences, reports of activities, arts productions that can serve as examples and provides a working basis, purely academic literature and specific tools developed by the partnership; use and implementation of digital tools to ensure easy access to all users.The development of training tools and online documentation with free access will allow availability to extremely different public, out of which mainly teaching staff.Each partner will enrich its educational proposals directly with its participants, trainers, teachers, cultural institute, researchers and facilitators at an association or institutional level, but also indirectly through the online access to documentation and specific tool to the attentive listening training.

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4 Partners Participants