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Le décrochage scolaire : comment réconcilier l'élève avec les apprentissages du socle commun en lycée professionnel
Start date: Nov 20, 2014, End date: Nov 19, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Further to the renovation of the vocational field and to the institution of the vocation high school diploma in three years, (level 5) that is to say the BEP (vocational diploma) was deleted and joined into the training of vocational high school diploma. Previously the system had a level of qualification BEP (vocational diploma) done in two years, and the pupils who obtained their bep (vocational diploma) could( according to their results )integrate a vocational high school diploma also achieved in two years. This system was replaced by a vocational high school diploma in three years, including the BEP (vocational diploma) at the end of the first year, pushing aside any shape of selection. This reform has for consequence a big heterogeneousness of the level of our pupils in our classes of vocational high school diploma. Furthermore, we were able to notice that our most weakest and often demotivated pupils just give up the school system. This heterogeneousness is sometimes the reason for conflicts in our classes, aggressiveness, and even violence. This atmosphere is heavy for the pupils but also for us, teachers, that is why we are in search of new methodologies, practices etc. The law of February 11th, 2005 was in favour of the schooling of the handicaped pupils, and the inclusion of these pupils in our classes. Our High school the LP Julien de Rontaunay is situated in a full urban area, in Saint-Denis, the establishment is mainly tertiary matters dominant and with a public of fragile pupils who often knew the failure during their schooling. Our pupils mainly arise from unprivileged backgrounds and single-parent: - Favoured socio-professional groups: 4,57 % - Disadvantaged socio-professional groups: 75,30 % - grant holder pupils 65,50 % - Pupils leaving the high school 10 % Finally, the unemployment rate for the last semester in2013 in Reunion amounts to 29,5 % of the working population and up to 60 % for the young people, who are the most affected and disengaged from the labour market. Several teachers wanted to react in order to find together a solution: - A language teacher specialized in both english and french - Two teachers in Economy& Management - A high school librarian teacher We have many classes in common and work with Mrs Marchau the high school librarian who can help us in the « CDI »(Learning Resources Center) with our pupils. Very often, during the breaks of the day, we meet together and speak about our educational difficulties and we have realized that gradually we were just losing heart . So, one day we decided together to react and to mobilize us and not let this "depression" going through us! Description of the activities: We would wish to go the Netherlands to meet our partners and attend their courses, train us to their pedagogies, observe their professional practices (the layout of tables, the various equipments),the educational software tools used in the classrooms or in the library we would really like to participate in the various meetings of the educational community. We do really need this experience and the expertise of our European colleagues who put into practice special educational strategies Methodology: We meet every week on Thursdays evenings at our male colleague's, to share our work and discuss about the issues and searches we've made during the week. Each of us have our own domain of study. We intend to make our mobility from October 27th till November 7th, 2014. These dates were chosen for several reasons: on one hand, they are taken over a week of course and one week of school holidays (so like this, our pupils won't lose too many days of work), and on the other hand, it allows us some time to analyze our conclusions and put into practice the experiences of our partners, in order to realize a complete and honest report to our national european agency Objectives and impacts - To set up already tested educational practices in order to give new incentives to our pupils with a low education level, -Improving their skills and confidence, in one single class of 30 pupils in which are integrated pupils in special need The aim is to limit the school erosion but also to increase the percentage of success in the HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA( (near 60 %). We want to know if we can adapt the pedagogy of our partners to our system, and use these requirements in terms of reference table, and diploma We wish that our pupils get a real diploma so that they could have a chance to find a job which is the real purpose of our work Long-term advantages: -Being able of adapting new flexible learning methods, pedagogies, educational practices, and particular devices which could help us in our teacher's everyday life -to be more efficient with our pupils - avoiding the early school leaving and to feel better prepared for the evolution of our job in the future. We also think that this project can motivate and give us new incentives for the years to come.
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