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Láss világot! - Szakmai tapasztalatszerzés külföldön
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BVHSZC Raoul Wallenberg Vocational Secondary School trains educational, social and health care professionals. The training profiles of the Dutch ROC Friese Poort, the Austrian Schule für allgemeine Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, and the Spanish Santa Barbara correspond to that of Wallenberg. In the 2016/17 school year altogether 18 vocational students spend a 4-week practice abroad; 12 students in the Netherlands, 6 students in Austria in health care and social institutions. The Dutch partner receives paediatric nurse, dental assistant, nurse and nursery nurse (daytime child care) students, while the Austrian partner welcomes nurses. The participants are between the ages of 19 and 25. There are at least three students of disadvantageous circumstances (e.g.: children raised by single parents) among the participants who get special help according to their individual needs during the preparation. The participants are chosen on the basis of their performance at school, motivation and their level of English / German. Before travelling, students take part in language, psychological and cultural preparatory courses. During the four week practice, students spend 100 hours of practice in their field of vocational study at institutions arranged and monitored by the host institution. Beside the professional programmes, they also participate in some cultural activities. Having completed the practice successfully, students are awarded a Europass Mobility Document. Students expect to get acquainted with the Dutch and the Austrian health care, education and social care system, new instruments, methods and good practices, and they also expect to improve their knowledge of English. They consider the vocational practice a possibility to try themselves in a foreign environment, and they want to get to know a different culture. As a result of the project, students’ professional competences develop; they get acquainted with new instruments, methods and principles. Their foreign language competences develop as well, and they get to know the special features of communicating with patients and clients in foreign institutions. Getting to know another culture develops students’ intercultural competences, tolerance and openness. The project has a positive effect on the participants’ personal development; students become more independent, more self-confident and more responsible. The participants’ mobility and motivation for language learning increase. As a result of the project, the participants stand better chances on both the Hungarian and European labour market. Five teachers of Wallenberg are going for a one week job shadowing. They get acquainted with the Spanish vocational training system, the trainings offered by the partner and the practice places of the partner. The teachers of Wallenberg visit lessons and study the methods used by the Spanish colleagues, with a special attention to the methods used in practical instruction and the use of information technology. As a result of the mobility the professional perspective of the teacher becomes wider, they get to know new methods and get inspired by the experience. The projects contribute to the positive image of Wallenberg and vocational training.

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