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lar Renewables: Independent Energy Supply (POLARIS)
Start date: Nov 27, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will support cross-border cooperation of the participating Russian and Finnish neighbouring regions in wider use of renewable energy sources. POLARIS will assist in the evaluation of the possibilities of wind energy production and use in cross-border regions of Russia, and promote on the local level in Russia the use of wind energy. Expected Results: • The exact estimation of power capacity of a new wind mill. • Type and capacity of equipment defined. • Methodology of pilot project implementation and results monitoring developed.• Feasibility study for the wind power generator• Land plot allocated for the pilot installation• General plan and detailed plans for the installation• Tender packages prepared for equipment, works and services purchase, based on international best available practices;• Tenders for equipment, works and services completed; suppliers chosen;• Equipment purchased and delivered (1 set), necessary works and services suppliers contracted;• The land plot for the pilot wind power generator developed, the wind mill installed, launched into operation and tested;• All necessary expertise and commissioning implemented.
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  • 44.2%   1 358 261,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants