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Language Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Modern languages is a key development in Scottish Education and the full implementation of the 1+2 policy on languages must be met by 2020. The school has begun to successfully implement the policy supported by our local authority. The development of the teaching of French has been identified as a priority for school improvement. Having participated in language courses and been prominent in the development of the 1+2 policy in the school, the three teachers identified the need to further develop their language skills and understanding of French culture. Following the success of the two candidates last year and following discussions with the 1 + 2 Language Development Officers, the teachers identified the LFEE courses as the best tool to meet these needs. The application was completed after discussion with school management to confirm their support and enthusiasm for the project. Management have given their approval of the course as beneficial to the whole school's development of modern languages. They have also supported the teacher's leadership of this important curricular area.Following participation in the course the teachers will have developed their language skills and confidence and will use this to ensure effective teaching of modern languages across the school. Through providing guidance, training, teaching ideas and resources the teachers will support their peers in the development of modern language teaching and therefore the children's learning. Progress will be monitored closely in various ways by the acting principal teacher. The teachers will endeavour to share their knowledge and skills with an audience outside of the school, using cluster and authority events to share good practice. The teachers will establish links with other staff and schools internationally and will incorporate e-twinning in order to communicate and share learning. As part of their leadership role the teachers will evaluate and monitor the impact of this project. The short term goals include increased confidence among staff and a better learning experience for children. In the long term we hope that the school will have 1+2 fully implemented prior to 2020.

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