Language Training for Security Guards in Shopping ..
Language Training for Security Guards in Shopping Malls
Because of the defined need for more language skilled security guards inEurope and the lack of appropriate learning materials for these, ingeneral, low skilled workers, COESS (the Confederation of EuropeanSecurity Services) and SECURITAS TRAINING (a leading training centrein Europe for security guards) take the initiative to develop languagelearning materials specialised for security guards in Europe. Because thelearning materials have to be geared to each specific workingenvironment, each sector using security services requires specificlanguage learning materials. For feasibility reasons, within the scope ofthis project, we will develop language learning materials for securityguards working in shopping malls in Europe. The main characteristics ofthe learning materials are: source languages: 24 common Europeanlanguages (the 23 official European languages + Norwegian) ; targetlanguages: English, French and German ; the different components are:a language level test: to define the start level and the level after finishingthe course ; ;a syllabus: comprising the learning contents for the securityguards ; guidelines for the trainers: instructions for the trainers of thesecurity guards ; e-lexica: interactive exercises on vocabulary ; electronicexercises: interactive, adaptable exercises ; educative playful tools: topractice in the working situation The main underlyingpedagogical/didactical beliefs and principles are: the training has toadhere closely to concrete working and living situations of the securityguards ; the training is geared towards the communicative aspects ; thetraining has to be offered in blended learning ; the vocabulary is based onthe semantic field of the security guards in the shopping malls ; thetraining has to include a lot of interactive and playful elements such asrole playings, fieldtrips, use of playful gadgets ; the training has to usevarious media in an optimal way: speech, film, interactive and adaptiveexercises,… and materials on paper ; In the short term, the languagelearning materials will be geared towards security guards working inshopping malls all over Europe (20.000 – 25.000 people). In the longterm, the learning materials will be commercialised towards securityguards working in other sectors, such as airports, embassies, industries,etc.
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