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Landowners Club for the conservation of Western Spain (LIFE "Oeste Ibérico")
Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Oct 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background This LIFE project could be considered as a continuation of the LIFE project, ‘Campanarios de Azaba’ (LIFE07 NAT/E/000762), which carried out a series of actions aimed at improving the populations of the black vulture and black stork, and their habitats – temporary ponds, the dehesas with evergreen Quercus spp., gallery forests, etc. This project also included a strong environmental awareness and dissemination component. However, despite its success, much work remains to be done to protect the valuable species and habitats that can be found in this western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Objectives This transnational project, which will be implemented in Spain and Portugal, has the overall aim of improving the conservation status and population trends of the main habitats and species (mainly birds) of the Western Iberian Peninsula. It will carry out actions in a total of ten Natura 2000 sites. The specific objectives are to: Raise awareness at local, regional and national levels about the Western Iberian territory as a transnational ecological unit of enormous value for the conservation of biodiversity in Europe; Improve the conservation status of seven habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive (two of which are priority habitat types). These include freshwater habitats, forests of temperate Europe and Mediterranean deciduous forests, and dehesas (a type of grassland formation); Improve food resources for the Spanish imperial eagle, golden eagle and owl eagle; Increase the populations of the black vulture, Egyptian vulture, Bonelli’s eagle, black stork and lesser kestrel. Expected results: Creation of an international association for the coordinated sustainable management of an area of 10 000 hectares in Natura 2000 sites; Improved phytosanitary and conservation status of at least 1 100 ha; Restoration of at least 100 ha of dehesas of Quercus sp pastures; All riparian forests in the area improved and managed by the association, and at least a 5 km stretch restored; Improvement of all wetlands present on farms, with at least 34 new wetlands created (10 in Faia Brava); Creation of at least two kilometres (about 8 ha, 20 meters deep on both sides) and improvement of about 6 km of habitat 91E0* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) in Campo de Argañán, El Rebollar, Malcata, Sierra de Gata, Rio Erjas; Creation two kilometers (about 8 ha, 20 m deep on both sides) and improvement of about 6 km (24 ha) of habitat 92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries, in Campo de Azaba, Campo de Argañán, Malcata y Río Erjas; Creation of 1 km (about 4 ha, 20 m deep on both sides) and improvement of approximately 3 km (24 ha) of habitat 92D0, Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae), in Rio Erjas and Cedillo and Tajo Internacional; Creation of independent breeding populations of prey species in at least 70% of farms where agreements have been established with the owners. At least three of these farms will be preferred wintering areas for wood pigeon; 10% increase in breeding pairs of scavengers and in the productivity of Bonelli's eagle and black stork in the SPAs where these species are present, the securing of at least two new pairs of each species, and the establishment of a new colony of lesser kestrel; Detailed knowledge of the degree of habitat connectivity within each Natura 2000 site and between different Natura 2000 sites; Nationwide recognition in both countries, and throughout the conservation sector, of the international association.
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