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Land-sea interaction: coastal state and evolution in CADSES (CADSEALAND)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The complex ensemble of natural marine, terrestrial, atmospheric processes that determine the "state" of coastal areas is the result of a statistical balance which is subject to both natural and anthropogenic changes. It is of vital importance, for the preservation and management of coastal areas, to be able to detect signs of trend in the coast state as well as to identify the nature and origin of the detected trends. This, in order to be able to successfully address management interventions (including preservation and defence ones) in full respect of economic and social interests that are, almost invariably, touched in such connections. Given the mentioned complexity of coastal dynamics, trends in a statistical process have to be detected. The project is developed simultaneously along two lines: - a "horizontal" integration line along actions will be developed - aimed at stimulating public institutions to define and develop guidelines for coastal management based on a land-sea integrated view of coastal areas; a particular effort will be devoted to fulfilling the recommendations of European Parliament and Council concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe (2002/413/EC); - ·a "vertical" intervention line along actions will be developed on specific coastal areas aimed at maintaining from the start connection with concrete territorial problems The results expected are essentially: guidelines for coast protection and management based on an integrated land-sea culture of coastal areas, on a general view of coastal areas in southern Europe, on specific experiences in the Italian and Greek basins. Expected Results: The project targets the following results: - Developing international standards for the definition of a “state of the coast” useful for territorial planning, management, engineering, insurance, etc., which take into account the processes (both on land and at sea) that determine the coastal state, as well as the land-sea interactions (which are affected by both natural and human pressures) that determine the evolution (dynamics) of the coastal state, - To establish efficient monitoring systems for the state of the coast and its evolution, and efficient techniques for the protection of endangered coastal areas and the reconstruction of damaged ones, - Developing and diffusing an integrated culture of land-sea interaction in coastal areas for their preservation and management as well as for planning of the future development of the CADSES area, together with guidelines to be adopted by public institutions for the protection of the coast.

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  • 55.4%   1 399 998,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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