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Lakes and parks along the border, revitalization and tourism (BODEN)
Start date: Feb 28, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the frames of Hungary - Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme in the project "Lakes and parklands along the border, revitalization of Szamos dead channels" the following were completed: geodetic survey of channels and linear utilities on Hungarian side and geodetic survey of channels on Romanian side; geodetic survey of areas under water; spatial model of the planned area; ecological survey of the area; pre-survey of environment- and nature protection effects; country-planning survey of the plan area; tourist survey of the area; licensed water supply plans; licensed public works plans; short film about introducing the plan area and objects.The general objective of the project is economic close-up of the area by developing water management, nature protection and tourism.Target groups: citizens of the towns and villages in the surroundings.The main specific activities and results of the project are: professional supervisor of plans, designs, studies; coordination of tasks between the partners; purchase of equipment necessary for the project execution; o-ordination of external design tasks; co-ordination of external design tasks (bicycle roads, paths, water supply, environmental studies, soil examinations, geodetic surveys); PR tasks: introduction of project in Hungary and Romania, preparation of advertisement materials.

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  • 85%   154 445,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants