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Lærlingmobilitet Telemark fylkeskommune
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background: Telemark county has through Vestfold county had an opportunity to send out apprentices. Telemark now wants to stand as responsible organization for our apprentices and build local skills and an enhanced focus on international projects. In spring 2016 we will have a politically approved strategy for internationalization in secondary education, and the intentions of this strategy fits in well with this application. Mobility within vocational subjects is also mentioned in the central guidance document and the general part of the curriculum. The goal: To send 7 apprentices every year for deployment in Europe. The apprentices will be 4 weeks in Germany. Several subjects may be represented, and it should be possible for trainees from all over the County, both girls and boys can participate. Participants should gain more experience in their subject, as practiced in another country. They should learn new techniques, use other raw materials, learn new routines, and develop the ability to reflect on professional issues. A deployment should also provide a basis for personal development, and give the apprentices new challenges.The number and profile of participants: The county would like to offer internship to 7 apprentices a year. The apprentices are approaching the end of 4-year vocational education. Description of activities: Apprentices will be deployed in the profession they educate themselves for. They will be prepared through 2-3 meetings before departure and written communication. The apprentices will be invited to a meeting after returning home.Methods to implement the project: The main coordinator for the project is an employee of the Department of secondary education in Telemark. There are regular routines for project implementation, but these will be adjusted according to needs and changes in the selection criterias for participation. We will be prepare application form, report templates and participant lists before the project begins. The offer of deployment will advertised in spring, with application deadline October 1st. Planning and contact with partners will take place until December, and the apprentices travel out in January and February.Brief description of the results and the expected effect: The County will contribute to that the apprentices create a professional identity through the experience seeing their line of work practiced in a different country. Participants will be better at reflecting on their subject, can learn new techniques, use other tools, materias and routines. They get a broader experience in their subject. Apprentices make themselves more attractive when seeking permanent job. All participants will experience personal development, be more independent, braver, safer in them selves as well as having a linguistic development.Potential long-term effects: In the long term, we see that this can raise the status of vocational education, and provide a group of residents of special competence. This project can contribute to reduced dropout, inspiration on completion, and give increased interest in foreign language and learning in general. The participants of the internship will get skills that make them more attractive in the job market, as regular workers with better experience in adapting to new working conditions, and will be more independent and open to other cultures. When they have been given the opportunity to experience working life in a different country, it can make them more open to travel overseas to work and thus counteract unemployment among youth. Participants also develop greater tolerance towards other cultures. For businesses in Telemark, which has a relatively large part of international companies, they can benefit from expanded international activity and contact and a future wokrforce with some international experience.
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