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Lärarfortbildning med Europeiska kurser , jobbskuggning och samarbete mellan lärare från olika länder.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to broadly develop the skills of various categories of teachers at Virginskagymnasiet in Örebro. The aim is that our teachers will be better and more professional in their meetings with our students and by their new insights, experience and skills also improve achievement among our students. Students are always at the centre of everything we do at Virginskagymnasiet and what we do in these various international activities we do for our students' sake. We want to strengthen schools courses based on the different challenges that they face. We want to strengthen all programs and increase the attractiveness of upper secondary school. Strengthen spoken languages in the school, and increase understanding of the EU and how it works. Language Introduction where we have students from all over the world, who bring their various heavy rucksacks and experience. How shall we strengthen them, make them cooperate better with our students on the national courses, integrate them better, reach them where they are, help them depending on their situation, etc. For The National School for the Deaf and the National School for the Hearing Impaired we need to give teachers the tools for their toolbox in order to be able to meet students who need extra help and consideration, and give them tools on how they reinforce the motivation and commitment of young people who have it extra tough. On the vocational program also wants to teach us get tools to support and enthuse pupils with special needs in mathematics. All the programs are particularly interested in how they can develop work with ICT, based on all students in Örebro from HT-2013 has its own computer. (1: 1). We have a huge need to further develop all our employees in ICT, but especially in vocational programs. It is about changing the pedagogy and to rethink how teaching can go to. In all educational programmes there is a lot about all the computer programmes and all the new opportunities opening up didactic now that all students have their own computers. Everything is possible and our teachers need to realise this On the sports program the teachers work differently, with 40 ± 5 hour week, and they want to work more thematically. We believe that this is seen to reduce the feeling of stress amongst teachers. The teachers experience a tremendous pressure generally at the school, which is a big problem for everyone, so it would be interesting to compare how teachers feel about this and how it works in some European countries. Through job shadowing and conversations with teachers in different countries we want to find out how it works in our partner schools and new schools that we hope comes into contact with through the individual teachers involved in courses and hopefully get new contacts for the future. We want to involve the whole school in our international work and it will become a natural part of the school's daily work. We shall use a variety of different methods: Study visits, teaching, job shadowing, sharing our experiences, project collaboration, workshops, seminars and discussions. We shall also participate in courses where our staff have the opportunity to meet teachers from other European countries and thus get even more new impulses. In the short term this strengthens the individual teachers in their commitment and teachers' work, and raises awareness of Europe and the world. They also get knowledge that they can directly transmit to students. In the long term, our students gain a greater achievement, we increase students' opportunities for mobility based on increased international knowledge and experience. We strengthen the students in European Studies and emphasise the importance that we in Sweden is part of the European Community. Our students gain: • Increased intercultural understanding • Tolerance to other people and clear democratic values • Solidarity with other people and vulnerable groups • Increased knowledge of global issues and challenges • Increased understanding of their own society and culture through mirroring and greater self-awareness • Increased confidence in their own ability • Train students in increased accountability • Increased motivation through a reality-based learning • Improved language skills • Preparedness for study and work in other countries • International contacts and networks • Good social feeling in classes and teaching groups • Promote cooperation between pupils and between pupils and teachers In the long term, we have more international cooperation projects and will create networks within tsport, ICT and language. In Slovakia we especially give our teachers of modern languages strengthen their professionalism as the Slovakian school is a certified school in cooperation with Goethe Institute and Cervantes Institute. We have also a lot to learn from them about how they work with peer learning, which we also are developing more of in Örebro and Virginska upper secondary school sports programme.

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