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LABOr - Knowledge Centre for Employment Improving Measures and Training for People with Learning Disabilities

The LABOr project will enhance the flow of information available regarding European support programmes established to assist people with learning disabilities in their integration into the labour market.The project will initially undergo an analysis of current and previous 'good practice', both in the participating countries and other non-participating EU Member States. The results of this analysis will act as a common databank for use within a dedicated interactive website and knowledge centre. The final aim being to provide both information on existing support measures (interactive website) and a support helpdesk able to answer specific enquiries from users (knowledge centre).The target group for the website and knowledge centre include; trainers, designers & managers of training programmes, employers, vocational training policy-makers, individuals with learning disabilities and organisations representing or supporting the latter.Initial interviews will be carried out across this wide range of target or stakeholder groups through the completion of questionnaires and beyond this, further in-depth interviews then held with actual service providers.Following the development of the central information platform (for end users), a model will be developed for the testing and validation of best practice for release in the form of a manual in both EN & FR.Awareness raising of the results and achievements of the project is planned through the production of a demonstration CD-Rom and support promotional flyer for circulation across the target sector. Further proposed dissemination activities include the production of project newsletters, approaches to relevant press & journals and attendance at relevant seminars & conferences throughout the project lifetime.
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