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LABO21: European platform for interdisciplinary research on artistic methodologies
Start date: Jun 1, 2010,

LABO 21 is a research platform initiated by cultural organizations from 3 European countries: BADco (HR), BUDA Arts Centre (B), Laboratorium/Jan Fabre (B) and The University of Dance (S). We want to join forces to explore how transdisciplinary research on artistic methodologies can enrich the European performing arts field. How can we develop tools to transmit artistic knowledge to the future generations? And in addition, how can this knowledge act as an impetus for creativity and innovation in other fields?In the last decades the performing arts field has been subject to far-reaching changes. It has become more and more difficult to discern tendencies in the myriad of initiatives that have come into existence. Yet, the Flemish Theatre Institute has published an interesting field analysis Metamorphoses which singles out 5 trends in performing arts production from 1993 onwards: growth, individualisation, hybridisation, mutual dependence and internationalisation. The impact of developments outside the domain of performing arts can't be underestimated in that extent: the impact of increasing mobility, new technologies and the complex networks they combine into. The transformations mentioned above, affect the effectivity of traditional approaches to theatre and performing arts making but also its distribution. As a consequence, methodologies are getting more and more linked to an individual approach. LABO 21 aims to step beyond the individual and wants to develop tools and protocols for education and creation purposes. The working method of LABO 21 consists of 3 steps1- Each partner will conduct an autonomous research project in collaboration with scientists from different backgrounds (neuroscience, architecture, cognitive science, technology, ...)2- The partners will exchange experts and results on a regular basis and set up a network3- The partners will present the tools and other output such as workshops, performances, exhibitions etc in a European context
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3 Partners Participants