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Laaja-alainen osaaminen opetuksessa
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

New curriculum and new school building will be taken to use at the first of august in 2016. New school combines two old schools and their staff. This application is based on new curriculum and it handles of knowledge, skills, development and methods that we need to improve to implement the new curriculum.There are seven different parts based on transversal competence in new curriculum. We have selected three parts out of seven. We think that these are the most important and crucial ones. Selection is based on information that we have got from development discussion held by headmaster. Also we have got this knowledge from the curriculum work.With this application we are trying to educate fifteen different persons. These fifteen persons have been selected to three different groups in order to get necessary knowledge and skills of these transversal competences.These transversal competence areas are:L2 Cultural know-how, interaction and expressionL5 ICT- technological know-howL7 Participation, affection and sustainable developmentBefore education courses groups will compose more specific aims and areas of responsibility. Also groups will plan on how they will use and share the information and skills to benefit whole school community. Groups will blog and give data information in meetings and they will also organize educational events for school community and for other schools in Siikajoki commun.
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