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la mobilité pour tous toujours et encore
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are proposing the mobility to the young people of vocationnal high school diploma in conduct and management of an equestrian company in 2nd year of high school( 42 pupils) and to our professional (employees, internship supervisors or members of the board).Since 2002 we lead actions of mobility and since this day, across all programmes (KA1, KA2, French-german), 708 students went abroad. Among these young people, about twenty adults within the framework of the french-german exchange, seven trainers within the framework of KA2 and two professional mobilities. An additionnal impulse was given to the teaching staff through the KA2. Our will is to pursue and to encourage more professionnals, more internship supervisors in this support. The mobility of the young people in our establishment is and integral part of their training, and it is registered in our school project. These last years, we can see that 99% of the young people is applying to the mobility. Those who do not do it have a medical reason. Over the years we enriched our partnership of host companies and also joined the workgroup « european mobility » of the regional federation of the MFR (Rural family houses) of Champagne Lorraine. The coordinator of our establishment is the project representative of the FRMFR Champagne Lorraine, and since her arrival she led 13 MFR in this European mobility. This is a groupwork in which we mutualized the numerous created tools and the address book of internship supervizors abroad. We imprived the organization of the pre-departure sessions. A special « European classroom » was settled with all the tools at arrangement of the candidates (internship reports, descriptions of the places, administrative and financial files, library, computing,…) Seeing the success with students, we propose for 3 years now two flows a year, and even sometimes a third one. The periods in question are March, June/July and sometimes August. The school year begins in August. We also pursue the reciprocity in a formal way (French-german, and commitment in the action of partnership, reception of italian professionals) but also in an unformal way with the reception of young people in vocationnal training who wish to tryan internship in France. Most of the time, they are contacts established thanks to our hosts abroad, for example in Germany and Croatia. These people are going to contribute to the preparation of the young students. We put a quite particular accent on this preparation. Indeed, our public, coming from rural areas, usually reluctant to the mobility,for others stemming from a difficult social background( host family, children's home...), and finally some school dropouts for whom the work-linked training of the MFR is the last chance to lead a professionnal project, need to be prepared at the same time pfor an open-mindedness but also for the knowledge of the other.Measurable impacts through the post-mobility survey allowed us to release some positive aspects on the maturity, openness to others, the importance of the languages, and the personnal enrichment. Through the testimonies and the comments on the social networks, we were able to measure that these experiences abroad had a positive influence on their confrontation in the reality of the the profession on a European scale. Their employability was strengthened. Some former students ( that did the mobility programme) work abroad today. The Lorraine is situated at the heart of Europe, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg are not so far but it is necessary to know how to go even farther. This self confidence also allowed one of them to settle down as a professionnal (blacksmith) that is why we propose Portugal, Croatia, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Spain and Netherlands. The linguistic part was often seen as a threat to mobility. Thanks to the mobility of numerous young people became aware of the importance of the language learning and a new dynamics settled down in the language courses. Other impact, the continuation of studies in a foreign country. Today, our students answer more easily the requests of summer jobs abroad.About the pursuit of the mobility of the young graduates :-2014 : one departure.-2015 : four planned departures.Among the areas dealt with are the following : Methodology, information, preparation, follow-up, valuation, environmental study,distribution ( see annex)
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