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La Mobilité Européenne au service de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Réussite
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The world around our students is changing. The professional world is becoming more demanding as for skills and mobility. In the same time, our young people, younger than before, have some difficulties in finding their place, in reading the world around them, in standing out in an uncertain future.Therefore, national and international mobility means a lot and becomes a real starter for professional insertion. This mobility helps our students tou fulfill their own and professional development, to discover new horizons, to stand out in further studies after their general Certificate of Education and thus, get bigger chances in the working market (French, European and more).In this context, Charles de Gaulle High School in its school project has commited itself into an international opening. It supports all the cultural, professional and linguistic activities wihch allow our students to read the surrounding space, to build and acquire a better perception of European identity.In this project, the welcoming country, Spain, in chosen beaucouse of the language, Spanish, studied in the different forms, because of the geographical proximity and because of our everlasting partnership. Our professional partners have determined the choice of the different welcoming sites.Our partners, who share our aims, are getting involved in the welcoming of our students to help them to improve themsolves. For these same reasons Charles de Gaulle High School is taking part into the quality process initiated by the QualEduc protocol.To succeed in this process, we are lying on our previous successful experiences as for mobility since 10 years now, on our united teams and on our first-rate partners sharing the same aims as we are : our students' personal and professional success.Our mobility project is dedicated to our students from "BAC PRO ARCU, Commerce and GA" from the Spanish European section. Our students come from low middle class and very often had difficulties at school. We intend to give them back the liking of studies to help them to improve their personal and professional development to get some work more easily.We wish we could allow them to enrich their professional and multicultural skills in foreign languages, to get more independance and to gain more self-confidence thanks to a transnational mobility. We want to help them to build their own personality and to build their professional project in taking part of the European identity.This project is also dedicated to the teaching staff of the school willing to improve one's skills and set a sharing system as for studying and teaching with the collegues in vocational schools in Spain.We plan to set un 2 different activities for 24 students and 4 teachers.- One activity is dedicated to the students' mobility. 12 students will benefit from it for the school year 2015-2016. 12 students will benefit from it for the school year 2016-2017. They'll have a five-week work-experience in a firm in Spain. During their first week, the students will go to school and to the firm. They'll seize the opportunity to discover the spanish culture, their way and rhythm of life.- One activity is dedicated to the teachers' mobility : 2 teachers will benefit from a one-week watching period in an education-training school in 2015-2016 and in 2016-2017 as well. This trainig-period intend to improve their teaching skills and to reintroduce them with their students and their collegues as well.The trainig-period in a foreign country will lead to the development of communication skills, of autonomy and of adjustment of the members of the experiment. The development of their professional skills in Spanish firms will allow them to establish a comparison between different methods and work organization.Tanks to this training in Spanish firms, this sharing of Spanish life and culture our students will find a meaning in their European involvement. This experience gives more value to the student as a human being at work. Il will bring more value too to someone looking for a job. These students will be able to understand much better the world they live in and to get more easily the cultural, artistic, geopolitical and professional issues.On May 2009, the European Union Council, as for "Education and Training in 2020" settled an ambitions strategic goal to mobility becoming "a reality".Charles de Gaulle High School, to its own extent, wishes to participate to this new impulse to the opening to French Educational System to European and International context.

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