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la mobilité en Europe, un atout pour développer ses compétences pro.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

M.F.R in Saulxures is a vocational training institution dependent of the Ministry of Agriculture. It has existed since 61 years. Its pedagogy is based on the principle of integrative alternation, which means that all our courses are organized around alternating sequences of school and internships. The main principle of it is that we learn as much in professional situations as in school. So our students are accustomed to living professional internship experiences. Living an internship experience in Europe seems obvious to us. Since 2008, our apprentice cooks and waiters and our students in the sector of "services to people" have been able to enjoy the Leonardo da Vinci program. So far, we have worked with partners in Malta, England, Portugal, Stockholm, Berlin, Belgium and Luxembourg. In 2012, with the help of our Swedish partners, we also conducted a seven-day stay in Stockholm for eight professionals from the hotel and catering industry and 4 teachers. We received certification in 2011 reconducted in 2015. The team of trainers at our school invests efforts in these mobility projects because they are convinced of the importance of this "go somewhere else" philosophy to return stronger and different. 7 trainers have been involved in supervising such stays and 4 of them have taken part in the program for professionals. The objectives are firstly professional ones, in keeping with our alternate training system. The hotel and catering students have been immersed in first-class hotels and restaurants in the center of the Swedish capital. This is a discovery for them who are often apprentices in small rural restaurants in the Vosges mountains and quite an asset for the CV of these young people. Working in a big team and transforming different products (fish, shellfish ...) allows to complete the training course. A teacher is needed to monitor the students during the time when they are not doing their internship. Mobility is organized at the beginning of the second year of CAP. Most of them are under eighteen. Our Swedish partners can not offer accommodation unfortunately and it would be inconceivable to let these young people left to themselves. They often do not have sufficient mastering of English to get by in case of trouble. Regarding the vocational baccalaureate students specialised in Services to individuals and territories, the goal of employability is more distant because after their baccalaureate, they will continue their education by specializing in one area. European mobility is more an issue of professional and social openness . Students from rural backgrounds have benefited from immersion in urban areas. Once again, a monitor is needed to supervise the stay and for the same reasons. However, we have also organized an unaccompanied mobility for two of our students in the francophone part of Belgium. In Germany, a partner from Berlin monitored four of our students in 2016. The "Cultural and Linguistic preparation" is an interdisciplinary teamwork here. Students are involved in the collection of additional funding to the European grants as soon as they intergate the curriculum. The expected impact is on the ability to become geographically and intellectually mobile, and thus to get used to life changes. It's difficult to measure it now though. We will be able to verify that aspect by questioning the beneficiaries in two or three years' time. The MFR in Saulxures has also organised a mobility for professionals in order to improve the updating of skills and exchange with European counterparts methods, practices and expertise in education and training . This new project consisted in organizing a mobility in STOCKHOLM for professionals in the Services to people sector, but also child-care and animation. The Swedish model is known for its education giving confidence, not practicing early selection , and where pedagogy is not a "dirty word". A steering committee had been set up in September 2013 to reflect on this project. Ten French professionals wishing to engage in this project including six professionals in the early childhood sector (nursery and school care), one person in a management position of a cultural and social space, and three employees of the MFR including the director, took part in that stay in January 2015 and achieved its goals. Our Swedish partners in the early chilhood sector have also been closely associated to that stay. Indeed, they agreed to welcome those French adults in their company for an immersion day, which gave the latter the key to grasp the Swedish spirit and culture as being organised aroung bilingualism, gender education and the freedom let to the child who can make his own choices. The benefits were interesting for these professionals who have appropriated the themes and put them in relation to their professional practice. Local and regional professional bodies in which this visit was presented seems to augur impact on the professional field of early childhood.
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