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La mobilité en Angleterre: un atout majeur pour les élèves de bac professionnel
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This seventh mobility concerns 6 students from the European section in their last year of a BTEC National diploma in Administrative studies. It will take place from November 15th to December 20th 2014 with the same intermediary organization partner for the sixth time. The four weeks of work experience in a firm will be preceded by a professionnal and cultural week organised by Eurostaff and financed by the highschool funds and a participation from the families. Are concerned by the project from the beginning: - the headmaster, - the deputy head, - the accountant, - the vocational section, - the English teachers, - the teachers who are in charge of the class, - the regional council, - the cities where our students live, - their parents, - the companies in France; This BTEC was created in Septembre 2006 responding to the request of the vice-chancellor of Versailles Local Education Authority. The opening of the European section was a school initiative to be in conformity with the school project entitled "Personal culture and opening on the international". As a matter of fact, our students will have to work on a market in constant evolution, with foreign suppliers and customers. In the order to increase their chances to be hired, it is necessary for them to be fluent in English. We are the only school in the area to offer this class with this option. Vincent Van Gogh highschool, inaugurated in 1991, welcomes 1050 students who come from 5 local areas and from Mantes and Les Mureaux. The 6 students concerned by the mobility represent this social diversity, and are all preparing a BTEC Administrative Duties in the European option. They have to carry out a 4 Week-internship in a British firm where they will work on administrative tasks, adapted to their English level. This training period will be preceded by a week of cultural and professional insertion in order to help them to feel secure and to adapt to a new way of living and working in a foreign environment. For the last 6 years, we have been able to notice that Eurostaff, our intermediary partner , has selected the different firms with much care, keeping in mind the English level of our students. We are really satisfied by the fact that the firms are very often the same (editing, printing, schools, charities...) which is a guarantee of quality and involvement in the training of young foreigners. Our students have been learning about their future jobs for 2 years thanks to theoretical courses and to their different internships in France in firms with European or international vocation (EADS, Acqua Tool, CIR Médical,Total...). We expect the following results for the mobility to come: Concerning the students: - the development of their maturity and autonomy, - a cultural opening, European citizenship, - a fluency in English, - personal satisfaction to have achieved such a project, - the pursuit of the efforts to obtain the European mention, - the opportunity to continue studies after the BTEC, - the awareness of the importance of the Europass Mobility on the professional market, - the awareness of the financial support from the European program Erasmus +, - good, and even, very good results at the exam and the "European mention" on their diploma thanks to good marks at English. We have noticed from the first mobility : - from 2009 to 2013 (5 years): 43 candidates = 34 European mentions = 77.27% In the school: - an improved status of the vocational section, - the mobilization of skills for the success of our students, - the development of the interdisciplinarity, - the experience acquired by the teams. Out of the school: - an improved status of the image of the vocational section and of the highschool, - the fact that students are hired more easily, - our highschool may be a help for other schools which begin a European section.

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