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La Magia de la Integración: Circlown
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

JUVENILE EXCHANGE "CIRCLOWN". It consists of a conviviality between 40 young women from 16 to 23 years of different origin of Germany and Spain belonging to the associations of Zirkutopia and Circompay. They were exchanging experiences during twelve days that the meeting lasts with two clear aims; to promote the conception of the natural way as a space of social cohesion between persons with and without disability and to promote the social integration of the same ones inside the European youth. The group of young visit Talayuela and they were lodging at the Lodging of The Fifth Pine. Between our aims we stand out: to promote the social and intercultural knowledge of Estremadura, Spain and Germany between the participants, the racial diversity, trying to generate values of respect, confidence and solidarity with the population who has some disability, to refuse any intolerant attitude towards this group and to promote positive attitudes in the population and in the young participants, To sensitize on the barriers that the young persons are, to strengthen the autonomy and confidence in yes same, to sensitize the young persons on the interests of the young persons, to share new of the circus technologies and overcoat we are going to affect in alternative Activities of Leisure that manage to teach the both historical and cultural values of the Campo Arañuelo. Between the activities raised to reach these aims we stand out: The workshops of circus, games of role, excursions (visit of different associations with which already we have collaborated in the development of activities of integration), spectacles of circus like example of alternative inclusive activity. Last day, there will be celebrated the " Fair of the Magic of the Integration ", will be an event in which they will present an exquisite selection of the best food, typical sweets and crafts of the whole zone of the Campo Arañuelo. The public assistant will have the opportunity to know and taste excellent products in this exceptional event, beside taking part in tryings, degustations, demonstrations and workshops juvenile educations, between other didactic and formative offers. This Fair has for purpose promote a culture of the European youth. And as final clasp there will be realized a " Final Sample " where it will be possible see the group of participants with help of the equipment of monitors they will represent a " final sample of circus ", in which there will be represented the topic of the meeting: " The Magic of the Integration " We expect to record a video of the final representation with intention of which it is used as didactic material by possibility of being spread for the awareness and raising awareness of the European Youth.
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