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La educación ambiental recurso didáctico que motiva el aprendizaje en un contexto Europeo
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current Project in environmental education will be carried out at “Cartuja” Secondary and Vocational Studies School. It is situated in the northern area of Granada capital city. The districts in this area are made up by people from different cultures and religions and a really big number of inmigrant people that coexist together. All in all, it is a working district which has been deeply affected by the economic crisis. “Cartuja” Secondary and Vocational Studies school provides an educational offer in compulsory secondary education, non- compulsory secondary education or high school, Basic Vocational Training, Intermediate vocational training and higher vocational training. The number of students at the School these days goes beyond 500. Teachers have been working in different innovation and improvement of teaching projects and in a local, national and international way for more than ten years (for instance, Comenius and Leonardo projects). Nowadays, we are involved in the “Learning Communities” organizational model which is mainly based on inclusive teaching strategies. The main goals in our School Educational Project are employment in High Vocational training and reducing absenteeism and dropouts in Compulsory Secondary Education. We can see that there is a degradation of the urban environment in some areas close to our Education Centre: public spaces which suffer a steady deterioration due to the neglect of the population and the abandonment in their governance. When the degradation of the environment begins to be understood as a social problem, environmental education arises. In these difficult times we are working for social inclusion through the care of nature. We understand that the interpretation of the environmental heritage is very effective to enhance awareness that allows to change the reality in the school community. This innovative practice will be very positive in the school, in the neighbourhood in the area, in the city... It is a cross-curricular and interdisciplinary programme that in our Centre aims at: -Promoting awareness of our region's environmental heritage: historical and botanical gardens, arboretum, Granada's fertile and natural and national parks. -In the class daily work : globalizing the different areas of knowledge through environmental didactic units (reflected in the schedules of the different levels). -Setting up a plant nursery and a rose garden at the school; expanding the school garden. -Reducing the consumption of water and energy at the school. Recycling workshop. -Creating of a community Botanical Garden: planting our own trees that will create our identity. -Interacting with the neighbourhood, strengthening the ties with the school Parents Association, neighbors associations , and with the non-governmental organizations working in the area. Participating teachers need specific training in environmental education to improve the quality of education and promote the international dimension of the Centre by promoting contacts with other European centres for future projects. With the mobility of teachers we will manage to improve our language competence and acquire new working methods to help us implement improvements in education. This project will have a potential impact throughout the school community: in Parents associations, in primary education schools in the area, in neighbours associations , and in a local, regional, national or European standard. We will spread it through the School website, through different social networks (Facebook, Twitter...), Etwinning, through teaching staff centres, through the press... The evaluation of the project will be based on the following indicators: number of didactic units drawn up and implemented, construction of the rose garden and nursery school schedules, ecological itineraries made with the community school, number of courses taught at teacher centres to spread the project and update its web page. Plan, control and make progress towards the set objective: the European culture of the environment and biodiversity.
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