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La Creatividad Como Método de Inclusión (CMI)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project intends to promote the international dimension which is already being developed in our school. It also aims at acquiring an European consciuousness and at widening our view of the education process. Taking the Bilingualism Programme as our basis, we want to take a course on new methodologies and undertake a job shadowing, in order to get new tools which will allow us to assist our students with fewer opportunities, promoting their inclusion and contributing to the democratic and equity atmosphere, as well as improving our linguistic competence in foreign languages.Queen Katherine School in Kendal, the chosen partner organisation for our job shadowing, is a prestigious school in matters such as student inclusion with special needs, whether for social, cultural, economic or physical reasons. On the other hand, the course "Creativity in teaching and training for a better classroom behavior & how to use music, art, ICT and sport in education" will provide us with methodologies for the teaching of Art, Technology or P.E., which we consider to be helpful to achieve our purposes of equal opportunities and inclusion, provided that they are based on universal languages encouraging communication and team work. The teachers belonging to the Bilingualism Program will be the ones to take part in both activities, with a commitment to share their experience with the rest of the staff.A final report with the learning outcomes will be written by the participants. This document will be studied and evaluated to define the methodological innovations and how they can be applied to our school in the most effective way, adapting them to our background. This information will be extended to all the teachers so that it can be applied in their subjects and, subsequently, we will be able to assess its efficiency in the short and medium term, concerning the linguistic competence in foreign languages and the students' motivation and their actual inclusion.In the long term, we intend to keep promoting this international dimension by taking part in more experiences and sharing them in eventual Erasmus+ strategic partnerships, encouraging teachers and students to take part in activities within the Europen education framework. The dissemination of our expereriences will allow us to contact other schools from other countries which might be interested in our project.The project will be monitored throughout its development, and every event will be assessed before, during and after the mobilities, as well as the conclusions about the actual practice of the new learning outcomes. Results will be disseminated within the educative community and will eventually reach an international scope through eTwinning.
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