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L2L@K - Language2Language@Kindergaten
Start date: Nov 20, 2014, End date: Nov 19, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

L2L@K - Language2Language@Kindergaten (a dual languages project @kindergarten) Context Portugal doesn’t have a school system that includes compulsory learning or acquiring a L2 from very early ages (kindergarten). Madeira Island, is traditionally a country with an industry based on Tourism related economical activities. The current Portuguese social and economical situation faces a crisis influencing employment and raising poverty. Considering this situation and the fact that “(…) communication in foreign languages is among the key competences necessary for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social cohesion and employability in a knowledge society”, we implemented a Project in order to promote children’s cognitive and language growth through access to another language (English) in their daily context. It considers of main importance that such access to the language is given within the children's routines and school's daily activities. English@Rochinha implemented an experimental design based on an empirical study involving a kindergarten teacher training program towards dual language, the development of their assistants' language fluency, the parent’s awareness and beliefs about the project and children's reactions and language acquisition. This project which involves the whole kindergarten (6 months old babies to 6 year old children), teachers and their assistants and all the other staff, it takes into account the parents' feedback, the children’s learning rhythm. The project is on its third year and intends to follow the children's further achievements. Objectives Considering the fact that the school is applying, since 2011, the dual project for languages with the teachers and the other staff, which aren’t natives of English, it is compulsory to develop the teachers and staff in general knowledge of the language (English) in context as well as to promote newer and more appropriate methodologies to apply to the project, taking advantage of sharing experiences with other European colleagues. We also need to develop new tools to assess the children's language knowledge and cultural awareness across the curriculum, as well as to redesign and adjust the curriculum to our needs and projects. Number and profile of participants 24 participants: 6 kindergarten teachers, 10 teachers’ assistants, 3 head board members, 1Special Need Teacher, 1Psychologist; 2 Music teachers, 1 language teacher and advisor Description of activities Before mobility, we must select the courses and the participants using school criteria. Then, head board and participants will sign learning and competences certification agreement related with knowledge/skills acquisition in Europa. School will give the funding to mobility activity of each participant Participants will go to European courses one week. The other staff will ensure classrooms activities when participants will be out of school. After each mobility, the participants and school staff will: work with children towards second language acquisition and development (English); work with parents towards language awareness – workshops and interviews; promote more language training, innovative language methodology training (kindergarten teachers and teachers’ assistants); create innovative language materials, tools, and documents related with the schools’ pilot project; redesign school curriculum, in order to promote the project and more organized and innovative in context action; create and validate assessment instruments to assess/monitor the impact on children, teachers and teacher assistants, parents and other staff of the pilot project and of the European mobility courses; link school with European teachers and schools which have similar project using the eTwinning platform. The Teachers and the other staff involved in mobility activities will share the results of project outside school. We will use a quasi-experimental methodology, with a pre-test (before going to the courses) and a post-test (after being in the courses) in order to assess whether and to what extent our project reached the objectives and results. Results/Impact. To consolidate the dual English/Portuguese school curriculum and the school educational plan. Teachers will apply the knowledge into their classes, which is of most importance considering the school’s educational project. The other staff will promote the acquired knowledge helping teachers putting into practice what they have learned and preparing sessions with parents, overall community and other teachers. This is of most importance to the promotion of the school’s dual pilot project for languages and its long-term strategy. Potential longer term benefits To help our dual English/Portuguese children to be successful in a wider range of areas later throughout their lives; to improve professional development of; to modernise the school into a long-term strategy, and to improve school quality development and internationalization.

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