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L'Europe au coeur de l'enseignement agricole
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: So far, the three schools of our consortium have individually worked on the development of international equities. We decided to join our forces and share our methods, tools and training sites to provide students and staff, new opportunities for personal development. Our consortium allows us to allocate our investment time in a better way. Our mission is to help young people to develop their membership in the European Union. Our students in their second year of BTEC National must do 8 weeks of training periods. We see a lack of French young people's knowledge in regard to other European young people. It becomes necessary to make them actors and open up to others. This statement, combined with the need of autonomy and mobility essential to the continuation of their studies, has led us to develop for them, professional internship projects in Europe. These work placements in Europe permit our institutions to answer to our specific mission of international cooperation of our agricultural education. The aim of the consortium is to promote practices with professionals, motivate and mobilize staff to acquire language competences, new teaching methods or tools including the identification of specific tools to fight against school dropout and finally offer some teachers or professionals of our partner network to make a teaching assignment abroad to contribute their expertise to a particular area. For beneficiaries aims are to diversify their work techniques; to improve their English by enriching their professional vocabulary; to train for European citizenship; to develop their capacity for autonomy and openness; to promote their geographical mobility and finally to enrich their human relationship and culture. For our sending schools, the objective is to promote the Vocational Education and Training in a competitive environment. NUMBER and PROFILE of PARTICIPANTS: Most of our students come from a rural background, with low mobility and low opened to Europe. The other participants are: teachers, trainers and other staff of our network. The first year, the mobility will be composed of 50 students and 5% of the staff of our institutions. ACTIVITIES: We will develop three types of activities: - A mobility of learners: a training period of 4 weeks with selected partners who know our needs. - A mobility of staff: a professional internship to develop language or professional competences of their professional mission. - The sending or reception of teacher trainers for short periods to train learners of our European network. METHODOLOGY Three working teams are formed: - A steering committee of the Consortium composed of the coordinator in charge of international cooperation that represents the school and a member of management. - An administrative team in every vocational high school with the communication manager, the accountant, the head teacher and responsible of international cooperation. - A teaching team composed of the teachers in charge of BTEC classes with the international cooperation woman who coordinates the team as a whole. The aims are: - Determine the professional aims to acquire during the work placement. - Plan and allocate tasks: travel management; accommodation; linguistic educational preparation, cultural and professional, and finally communication. - Evaluate and promote the achievements of course. IMPACT And EXPECTED RESULTS These mobility activities are a way to answer to our school projects assignment by prolonging our other European projects in our schools (Comenius for 3rd and 4th forms - Erasmus for BTEC H.N.D). Moreover, it seems essential to work with European partners so that both our institutions and students adapt to changes in their professional sectors. Student’s courses will take place from March 2016 and this will permit a preparation of students throughout the school year and an assessment and valuation throughout the second year. One of the major impacts is the adjustment of agricultural sectors among college’s providers of students for our high school but also among parents. The POTENTIAL Longer Term Benefits Our hope in the horizon of 5 years is to increase the percentage of staff going abroad to train or be trained. It is also to develop the quality of contacts and experiences, and it is finally to increase the number of learners taking part in those mobility activities, especially for students who are 15 with a particular professional project and during 15 days.

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