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L'Europa di Arlecchino
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Europe of Harlequin", where Harlequin symbolizes the linguistic variety in Europe, was born in a multhietnic context and the focus of the project is multilingualism, fundamental principle of the EU, with the aim of promoting diversity with the contribution of new technologies. Includes an upgrade of the foreign language , English, and enhancement of minority languages that many pupils are carriers. The participating organisation consists of kindergarten and primary schools and for some years interested in international and transnational projects. The projects developed so far have been training abroad (Comenius and Pestalozzi). Interest in mobility grew throughout the years, thanks to a relapse of the projects mentioned above, the interviews with teachers and schools abroad and the new opportunities offered by the EU education programmes. Considered the needs of the institution, emerged through questionnaires and the RAV(Assesment Report), identified the three areas to strengthen for the next two years (linguistic- methodological, intercultural, technological) and were identified the following objectives:-improve the profession of teachers and teaching quality through increased communication skills in foreign languages;-promote cultural integration through knowledge of different cultures and languages; -enrich the baggage faculty and their methodological skills, to improve the approach with students and make the most motivating teaching actions; -know the basic principles of Clil methodology and apply it to teaching of some disciplines;-enable cultural exchanges through the eTwinning platform in order to promote cooperation with other European schools which may, in the future, result in job shadowing experiences The project consists of several stages, these are the main ones:-Identification of staff participating in the training; -Identification of providers;-Project preparation; -Organisation of mobility from logistical and administrative; -Managing relationships with training institutions; -Interviews with staff training at the beginning, middle and end of the path; -Monitoring and evaluation training; -Activities with pupils and school staff who did not participate in the training; -Dissimination of the project at the local, regional, national, european level;-Preparing the final report and compiling a web archive for consultation; Kindergarten and primary teachers are involved, and the headmaster too, for a total of 10 people. Participants are both foreign language teachers, both teachers of other disciplines. Destination countries are Malta and Greece. The project involves 16 mobility in two years . Selected courses, short durations (1/2 weeks), are linguistic and methodological training courses, culture and foreign language other than English. Participants, through and including visits in the territory and contacts with local people, will experience a linguistic/cultural immersion. The participants, upon return, will share their experience with their own colleagues, with those of neighboring schools but also far, through meetings and workshops, webinars, disclosures about social forums and blogs on the local and national press. Apply what they have learned in their classrooms with students, which will develop activities in tandem with European colleagues met during training, through the plataform eTwinning. Long term results are: -develop greater awareness of the opportunities that Europe offers training to young people and adults -making the Lifelong Learning a reality for all -promoting integration to combat discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age -promote a sense of belonging to a larger community, larger than our country, familiarizing yourself with the idea that we are Europeans.
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