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L'enseignement de l'anglais pour développer l'ouverture culturelle grâce aux fêtes traditionnelles
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school is situated in a rural and culturally disadvantaged part of the district where the relation to Anglo-Saxon culture is mainly clichéd. The aim of the project will be to work on traditional Anglo-Saxon celebrations and to concentrate on the differences and similarities between French and Anglo-Saxon cultures. Two teachers will be involved in this mobility program: One teacher from first year of primary school will work on the raising of awareness of the Anglo-Saxon culture. The other will be a special needs teacher. His aim will be to adapt the project to children affected with cognitive disabilities. The project will concentrate on raising awareness about Anglo-Saxon culture. It will be integrated to the school project in order to harmonise it to the whole school by creating, among other, common tools for all the classes. in the school project the lexical contents of each mini-project will be detailed and differenciated for each class. For the school, a galvanisation of team work around a common project is expected. For the pupils, a consolidation of temporal landmarks and a growing interest for Anglo-Saxon culture are the targets of this project. On the long term, we also expect that this project will be a cornerstone to the education of European citizenship.
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