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L'ELEVE, FUTUR CITOYEN EUROPEEN L'objectif est de permettre à chaque élève de mieux appréhender l'avenir et de mieux se situer grâce à la découverte d'autres cultures et à une meilleure maîtrise de la langue anglaise.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Saint Joseph school of Matignon, in Côtes-d'Armor, aims to prepare pupils to become European citizens respecting the common values which are solidarity, democracy, equality opportunities, mutual respect, justice, humanism, and the protection of the environment. The purpose is to give the pupils the essential skills which will allow them to make, later, the right choices, personal as well as professional choices. Therefore the school drafted the project: THE PUPIL, THE FUTURE EUROPEAN CITIZEN whose objective is to allow each pupil to be better armed for the future and to get ready thanks to the discovery of the other cultures and to the better English language ability. For several years, the school has been working in this direction. It obtained, for example, in 2009 the eco-school label. Since 2012, the teachers have made it a point of honor to introduce and to interest the pupils in the English learning and it is true from the nursery school. They also have concerns, every year, to plan in their respective projects of class a cultural opening on the countries of Europe. Saint Joseph school wishes to register this European approach in the long term and to continue to set up situations of discovery of Europe which are rewarding and developing for the pupils and for the school. One of the used ways will be the registration on the eTwinning platform and the participation of the pupils on Twinspace: It can be the opportunity to exchange on the organized practices, in the respective establishments, on the environmental protection or on the education systems. The realization of this project depends on the implication of the teaching team and on its capacity to appropriate the new technologies and to choose any vocational training adapted to its needs. That's why both teachers of the elementary classes, Mrs Perrier and Mrs Pau, wish to do a linguistic and cultural training course in Malta during the school year 2014-2015. They will follow English courses there to strengthen the grammatical bases, to develop the oral and written skills in understanding and production and to win in trust in the speaking. They will spend their free time to discover the historic, artistic and cultural side of the island (visits of the big places of interest and the museums). Finally, at least two visits of primary schools will allow them to compare education systems. During this journey in Malta, the teachers will constitute an educational suitcase containing objects representing the island, its history or its famous monuments, postcards and CD of children's songs which will be exploited in class.
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