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L'artisan Italien au sommet de son art.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a small vocational school that offers training in the fields of furniture but our students sometimes lack of interest a priori to include these courses when they find themselves assigned by default that we want to limit . Our goal is to make training attractive by a dynamic project strong link with the business concerned. We also seek to enhance students affected by engaging in a dynamic European dimension and professional excellence . Italy was chosen and the city of Florence in particular for its artisans who excel in the areas of upholstery and cabinet . The way is to allow students enrolled in vocational baccalauréat option woodworking and art tapestry, European style Italian crafts, an internship of 4 weeks in a craft business in Florence during their senior year . This experience , which is part of the expected settlement of the baccalaureate , students will discover very specific techniques and exceptional work . Students get a Europass CV and may attempt to validate a Europro . The choice of home businesses and activities required of students is carried out by teachers who know the Italian craftsmen for many years . Installation of students in the host companies and the final evaluation is carried out by teachers with artisans. The existence of this project for twenty years helps to enhance the image of these formations and the image of the school. This project has a positive effect on the recutement but also the judgment of the students themselves what impact their motivation to succeed. We wish pursed involved in this action reduce absenteeism and dropouts in these formations.
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