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Kwalifikacje zawodowe na europejskim poziomie
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Taking part in the “Professional Qualifications at the European Level”, which involved apprenticeship in German and Slovak companies, allowed our students to gain practical experience abroad, improve language and computer skills, it taught them how to function and work in a group as well as how to make decisions. The project promoted mobility, flexible forms of employment and entrepreneurship. The Project involved sending 32 students from the Year 3 of the technical secondary school of economics, in professions of economist technician (22 students) and trade technician (10 people), for vocational training to Bielefeld (Germany) and Kosice (Slovakia) in the years 2014-2016. All the participants have received the Europass Mobility Certificate, a certificate confirming the training issued by the foreign employers in both English and Polish languages, certificate issued by the partner schools as well as the highest grade – excellent. Constant supervision during the training, surveys and interviews with the students as well as with the employers, allow us to say that the objectives of the project realized all the established goals. While being in the training the students had an opportunity to work in specific positions and to use modern tools and specialist computer programs used in warehouses, accountancy, Human Resources and others. The students developed and used in practice their knowledge and skills in well-organized German and Slovak companies. The project ensured the improvement of the vocational education. It achieved important goals: it deepened the vocational knowledge and developed the skills of our students including the ability to use in practice computer programs used in commerce and financial units, it improved language skills, and mostly the ability to use the language in the professional situations and relations, it improved interpersonal communication, the training system, increased attractiveness of the school’s educational offer as well as strengthened the cooperation between the schools and employers in Poland, Germany and Slovakia. Participating in the project contributed to the vocational, occupational mobility since the students saw that having proper qualifications and professional skills as well as speaking foreign languages, they have realistic possibilities of employment abroad. The project stimulated the curiosity about the world, offered a new look on the European work market, opened its participants to other cultures, showed other living conditions and alternative ways of spending free time. Carrying out the project is in accordance with the strategy for the development of Podkarpacie in the sphere of supporting the international student exchange and the European trainings. The project improved the quality of vocational education. It enabled adjusting the system of vocational education to the needs of the European work market. The program of the foreign training and the criteria of evaluation have been developed in cooperation with employers from Rzeszow, Bielefeld and Kosice. The project involved dissemination of its results in the applicant’s school, local environment as well as in partner schools. These actions encouraged other students to participate in similar projects, develop their vocational, language and interpersonal skills. The project also played an important role in helping to break the stereotypical way of perceiving partner countries. The cooperation of the partner schools allowed developing together good quality innovative trainings. The expected competences and the rules of evaluation were clear and allowed precise evaluation of students vocational and interpersonal skills. The cooperation with partner schools and employers in Bielefeld and Kosice may result in new projects in the future.

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