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Kuusamo border stations road arrangements, main road 866 (Kuusamo border station’s road arrangements, main road 866)
Start date: Apr 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The road arrangements on main road 866 at the Kuusamo customs and border station were to be developedsimultaneously with the similar arrangements being made on the Russian side of the border. The first phase of theproject was to design and construct the border regions road to be joined with the road on the Russian side of theborder. The second construction phase includes the lane arrangements needed by the border traffic and customs, andthe inspection control area, as well as the parking area being constructed along main road 866. These procedures arerelated to the internationalisation of the Kuusamo border crossing point.50 percent of the project funding was received from the European Regional Development fund and 50 percent fromthe Finnish Road Administration. Achievements: The lane arrangements of main road 866 and sections (including lift barriers and gates), the inspection and parkingareas and the road and area lighting were completed as planned.The Kuusamo–Suoperä border crossing point has been opened to international traffic. It became the ninth bordercrossing point open to international traffic on the border between Finland and Russia.
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  • 100%   850 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform