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Kuusalu Keskkooli pedagoogilise personali professionaalse arengu toetamine rahvusvaheliste koolituste kaudu
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Kuusalu Secondary School aims with this Learning Mobility project to contribute teachers' and staff's professional development by providing them educational and professional international in-Service trainings and study visits. Mobility project helps school achieve an international dimension and contributing to the creation of a network of contacts for future cooperation projects. We consider it important for teachers and school staff to share best practices and to participate in lifelong learning program. Each new competence and knowledge gained from in-Service trainings works for the benefit of the school. Kuusalu Secondary has had some small-scale collaborative projects before in previous years. As a next step we would like develop a carefully planned and long-term international cooperation plan with schools and partner institutions in Europe. This area covers both international mobilities, study visits, cooperation projects, hosting volunteers (EVS) and teacher assistants. There is scheduled 8 Staff mobilities in the academic year 2015/2016, seven in-Service training courses and one job-shadowing. The participants are teachers and members of management. Topics for Mobilities include outdoor education, general physical activity and co-operation with sport clubs, communication in English, pupils with special educational needs, ICT and multimedia, coaching and mentoring. Mobilities topics are carefully selected according to the needs of the school and school staff training needs. 2015/2016 Learning Mobility Project is part of a longer-term Mobility Plan which are created based on mapping of school and staff' training needs. The school has set up a team for international cooperation, which under the leadership of planning and development manager monitors the progress of the whole project. Mobility project helps to create an international dimension at school and it's staff and teachers are ready to establish international cooperations projects. International co-operation projects will provide added value to school, increase teachers 'and students' motivation to learn. This is also good for parent-school cooperation as projects include often student's parents (f.ex hosting, project work etc). Implementing innovative learning methods helps school to reduce risk for early school leaving. Working together with their peers in Europe will increase the tolerance and understanding of multicultural Europe and world.

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