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KUTUR (spa-, culture- and tourism project) (KUTUR)
Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at supporting the development of international competitiveness of the spa and heritage tourism sectors both in Estonia and in Finland. In order to fulfil the aim of the partners †Pärnu, Toila, Aseri, TÜ Pärnu Kolledz, SA Virumaa Muuseumid, Lahemaa National Park, Estonian Television from Estonia, Hanko town, Tammisaari town, Helia Porvoo, Itä-Uudenmaan aluekeskuksen kulttuuriohjelma from Finland †arrange conferences, workshops, training days, enlarge cross-border contact and cooperation networks, carry out surveys and produce a TV-programme. In a wider context the project strengthens the economic and social links between Estonia and Finland, supports balanced development outside the capital regions of the both countries and enhances cooperation on different levels and in different sectors while also adding the spas and number of international contacts.

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  • 70.9%   84 877,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Finland - Estonia (FI-EE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

10 Partners Participants