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Kutseharidusõppe tasemeõppe õpilaste ja kutseharidustöötajate õpiränne
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Implementation of the project is essential to support the students and staff in their professional competence acquisition and development, to foster their personal development and to increase the competitiveness to work in the European labor market. Participation in mobility provides input for the organization`s innovation of teaching and learning methods for the selection of participants, and will significantly enhance language skills. Mobility increases awareness of cultural diversity and understanding. There will be more opportunities to participate in international networks and functioning as European citizen. Entrenched studies abroad and competences acquired in recognition of ECVET principles.Vocational education students who study in the curriculum of care worker do not have the opportunity to outwardly of project make practice outside Estonia, which would help to increase their clout on the labor market and develop international communication skills. There are no own funding possibilities in the budget to fund practice of vocational training students so they can travel abroad only by support of the project activities.Vocational training teachers group in the study department is small (six people) and half of them had not previously participate in mobility because of tight teaching schedule and the uncertainty of a foreign culture and language skills. Arrange mobility for all of them at the same time is the optimal way to organize the simultaneously schedule on a project basis with partner institutions, and at the same time it would be possible to deal with the development of all vocational study curricula in comparison with the organization of teaching and learning resources consulting and assessing the practice bases. Consequently, the project aims to create opportunities for vocational learners and tutors from the development of the college's development goals. The project involves in total of 16 people. In Finland participates in the mobility in total of eight students. Students will be divided into two groups and their practice in Finland is planned for two periods: first group (4 students) performs their practice in Finland in November 2016.a and second group in April 2017.a. In addition of students will participate in mobility project eight employees from Tartu Health Care College and their mobility period is in November 2016 in Netherlands.Impact for students particularly expressed in the participants' personal and professional development. Impact for employees is related to the participants' personal and professional development, and to increase preparedness for international cooperation.The impact for Tartu Health Care College is reflected in the organization's external network relations` expansion. Mobility possibilities in Europe will increase the capacity of vocational training curricula and attractiveness of vocational training. The impact for two partners from Finland and Netherlands provides mobility possibilities in the future, which will also allow students and staff to perform mobility in Estonia, where are good conditions for both, learning and teaching. It also provides the opportunities of creating e-learning materials in cooperation with Dutch partner if possible.In the long term, the project will help to harmonize ECVET implementation of the principles in Europe. In addition, increases popularity of the mobility among students and staff as a result of the growing number of mobilities in all partner institutions. Students and staff are more open and prepared for using opportunities to work or study abroad, and to share their experiences with others. This increases their colleagues` readiness for international cooperation as well.
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2 Partners Participants