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Kuterevo – coexistence of wilderness and civilization
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mathilde, from France, and Zuzana, from Slovakia, spent 6 months as EVS volunteers with Velebitska udruga Kuterevo, in the small village of Kuterevo, in Velebit mountains, Croatia. During their service, they contributed to activities of the organisation, in the Kuterevo Bear Refuge and the Volunteers’ Station. They helped with daily needs of the project, maintaining the facilities, guiding visitors, collecting food for bears, taking care of animals, welcoming and working with short-term volunteers and voluntary groups during summer time, etc. They were involved in the educational program of the organization, organizing workshops and local events, coordinating workcamps and other voluntary groups, raising awareness about bear situation, about environmental issues and about climate change. Through their activities, Mathilde and Zuzana spread the word and acted like eco-messengers and examples of active young citizens for visitors coming to see the bears in the refuge, for many other volunteers, and for local community.

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