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Kursy językowe dla kadry kierowniczej oraz nauczycieli przedmiotów zawodowych strategicznym celem podniesienia jakości pracy szkoły
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project "Language courses for executives and vocational subjects teachers - strategic goal of improving the quality of school work" - is to improve the language and cultural skills of vocational and science subjects teachers as well as executives in Radom Technical School . As a result to increase the language skills of students in our school. Participation in overseas training will complement and reinforce key skills of school staff in the following areas:1. language skills2. modern curricula tailored to the needs and abilities of students3. establish contacts with institutions in other countries4. improve the quality of school management5. strengthen tolerance for multicultural and multireligious aspects, which will significantly strengthen citizens` awareness and a sense of belonging to the United Europe.The exchange of experiences with other teachers who take part in courses will transform into modernizing teaching methods in our school. Three teachers of English with various experiences and professional internships are applying for ERASMUS + project, 2 teachers of vocational subjects: electrical and IT and 3 people representing school management ( also active teachers of science, IT and vocational subjects).The following staff have already worked in many school projects and ventures. The chosen group ensures good cooperation and multifaceted project. Thanks to participation of people of various professional experiences , the project will not be limited to only one subject- English, but its effects and the gained experience will evolve in various vocational , science and information technology subjects. As one of the goals is to introduce innovative teaching methods, the management team joined the project. The school promotes the use of IT technology among students and teachers, hence the presence of IT teachers in the project.The main project activities are divided into three stages: 1. The preparatory stage including the subject matter preparation through the participation in online courses and webinars in order to refresh and update the language knowledge, organisational preparation for the stay abroad as well as document management. 2. The mobility stage – participation in the course, gaining international contacts with other members of the course, learning about other cultures and traditions, gathering didactic materials, presenting our school and willingness to co-operate with other organisations and developing specialised language teaching methods. 3. Dissemination of the project results – implementing acquired solutions such as new teaching methods (through lessons using new methodologies, online chat with other course members during a lesson, which would allow students to freely communicate and open up to other people and boost their confidence in English language use), sharing new methods with other teachers through “the open lessons,” dissemination of the project results (presenting the benefits to the wider audience, information in local newspapers), and evaluation (testing the effects of the project implementation and their influence on the development of international co-operation.) The project members, using personal communication (team work, language tests, questionnaires, discussion, work in subject committees) and information and communication technologies (presentation, internet communication, social forums, photographs, films, online press) will be evaluating their activities so as to correct them if necessary, in order to achieve the aimed results at the end of the project. Due to the participation in the project, its members will strengthen their key language competencies, which will directly result in the active use of a foreign language in the process of teaching and learning. Our school teachers will have new ideas and materials, which will make their lessons more interesting. Students must be encouraged to gain new learning skills and to use new educational tools in their educational process, which will allow them to adapt to the needs of a constantly evolving labour market. During the course of the project they will be able to learn and use new ways of management, time management, information exchange and human resources.

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