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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After the evaluation of the attendance sheets, the questionnaires and the reports of counselor's interview with students; it is identified that the school drops are high (%4), the students' motivation and achievement at cultural courses is low (%40), the social exclusion of the disadvantaged students is present at our school. We need to attend a training seminar to diminish or find solutions to these problems via folklore workshops, including the activities of daily life. Our target is; to make the students attend the school for the purpose of taking part at social activities, performing group works; to prevent early school leavings and to increase the achievement at cultural courses by using the technics and methods we will acquire from the training seminar. Totally 40 students; 19 of them are socially excluded (2 of them are physically disabled, 5 of them are mainstreaming students with special needs, 10 of them are children whose fathers are imprisoned, 2 of them are children of parents imprisoned because of drug-addiction), 10 of them have attending problems, 11 of them have achievement problems at cultural courses will take responsibilities at the project activities. 5 teachers; who are voulunteered and experienced at project works, have sufficient level of English will take part at the training mobility. The succesful trainers from Spain will be the supervisors of the sessions that will be carried out. The training seminar will be achieved in the ways of theoretical and practical sessions, observation of the historical places and buildings on purpose, workshops and critical thinking programmes in order to integrate folklore to the pedagogical activities. The materials that the participants will need for efficient learning will be made available by the organization. The participants' knowledge about educational materials and methodology, experience of practice, skills of foreign languages, skills of ICT and skills of international communication, cooperation will develop. Our activities will be in the ways of pre-planned educational visits, the week of "Our Culture, History and Heritage", free project corner, folk dances, presentations, school-magazine, web-site, facebook, wikipedia, video-films. In addition to the information, methodology and materials that the teachers will acquire at the teaching seminar; brain -storming, discussion, learning through experience, research, demonstration, question-answer, educational games to enhance critical thinking skills will be used at our activities. Starting the project implementation, there will be a wind of change at our school: The self-confidence, positive self-perception, the skills of group-work, the motivation for cultural courses and attendance of the students will increase. Taking part at the activities of Erasmus+ project will raise awareness of students. They will be self-confident enough to join the projects at the university, in the future. All the materials that will be created during the project period, will be shared with the civil community organizations, educational organizations and local shcools interested in the theme. Moreover; there will be workshops at which the usage of created materials will be taught to the neighbour schools' students, teachers and educational represantatives. We will be in communication with local and international representatives of the organizations. Besides; we will contribute in the means of experience to the other schools through e-Twinning source portal. The week of "Our Culture, History and Heritage" and the other activities of the project will become a tradition of our school. The School Parents Association will support all the activities, financially, in the following years. As a result, we will provide our project's sustainability and continuity of target solutions to the problems.
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