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Kucharz i fryzjer na europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility project "Cook and hairdresser on the European labor market" will be implemented by 4 groups of young people associated with MWK OHP: 20 persons in Porthsmouth the UK, 16 persons in Malaga,Spain, 16 persons in Rimini, Italy and 16 persons in Sofia, Bulgaria. Youth associated with care and education units of MWK OHP around Masovian region will be participating in the project. These are the students enrolled at the vocational schools in hairdresser and cook professions. Youth from OHP units holds every day apprenticeship either in OHP training workshops or with local business. For the implementation of the curriculum instructors of vocational training are responsible. During an internship in foreign companies, young people in the cooking groups will learn procedures for the preparation of regional and national dishes in Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and England. Hairdressers will get familiar with the types of hairdressing services used in Spain and professional hairdressing equipment and will also have the opportunity of a direct contact with customers. Particularly important will be a chance to improve their language skills with regard to professional vocabulary, which is in line with the new curriculum in vocational education. It is also important that in all the partner countries, participants will consolidate their knowledge of procedures relating to health and safety regulations and environmental protection in force in the European Union. Project of a foreign placement for our youth at this stage is the only possibility of extending their professional skills, finding out about the benefits of foreign language skills, which are not always willing to learn and expand their horizons as a result of meeting a different culture and a different nation. The main objectives of the project: - Promotion of mobility and connecting the world of education and the world of labor - Improvement of skills and qualifications - Getting to know the specificity of the work in European companies - Improving foreign language skills and in particular specialized vocabulary - Development of entrepreneurship among young people - Increase of employability on the labor market - Increase of motivation to continue learning - Teaching tolerance and acceptance towards other nationalities - Increase of self-confidence Placements will be held in: 1. Spain, Malaga/Tribeka Training Lab S.L., in October 2015, cook class II/III 8 pupils and hairdresser class II/III 8 pupils and 2 teachers. 2. UK, Portsmouth /Training Vision Ltd, 10-23 April 2016, cook class II/III 20 pupils and 2 teachers; 3. Italy, Rimini/Sistema Turismo S.R.L., October 2016, cook class II/III 16 pupils and 2 teachers; 4. Bulgaria, Sofia/Bulgaria Gateway Ltd, April 2017, cook class II/III 16 pupils and 2 teachers. Traineeship abroad for our participants will be an important asset especially when looking for a job after graduation. Their employment opportunities both on European and local labor market will increase and will allow them to avoid exclusion on the job market after graduation. What's more mobility will let them get acquainted with the European culture and way of living in the countries of the European Union, which will extend the world view of young people.

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