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KTS und Europa...ein Mehrwert fürs Leben! (2016)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present project deals with the implementation of internships of persons in initial vocational training in the following countries : Germany , Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Ireland and Turkey.The participants in this project attend the Carinthian Tourism School Warmbad Villach, which offers three types of schools : HFS (3 years), HLT (5 years) and a College (4 semesters ). The participants come from all three of these types of schools. Gaining international experience is invaluable for young people and facilitates their later entry into the professional world.The aim of this project is to improve the independence, flexibility and the language skills of young people, to promote multilingualism, to add practical training and intercultural learning and to lead young people towards an open minded and European way of thinking. Through this training in a European context our students should be enabled to access the national or the European labour market after their training. This is a major contribution to fight youth unemployment in Europe.By implementing ECVET tools in the project the creditability of the stay abroad should be facilitated.Our project partners are both larger and smaller establishments in the hospitality and catering industry in the above mentioned countries. Our partner companies provide mentors for the students to introduce them to their new job environment. This ensures a favourable learning outcome during their stay abroad. It also leads to an international / European image of our school.The results of the project will be presented on our open day, during our information evenings on hospitality training at the Carinthian Tourism School as well as at regional information sessions on Erasmus + in our federal state (Carinthia) . Furthermore, we intend to publish articles about our mobility project on our school website and in our annual report.Young people benefit a lifetime from skills and competences acquired in an internship abroad and they find it easier to get a job in a weak economy . The European network established by the project promotes mutual understanding and enables our school to react faster to new challenges on the labour market .

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