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Kształcenie zawodowe bez granic ...
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego ( The Centre of Vacational and Continuing Education) in Sosnowiec 64 Grota Roweckiego street after analyzing the needs of teachers and students has developed an application form under the Erasmus + project "Vocational education without borders ..."/”Kształcenie zawodowe bez granic...”. The proposal has been approved for implementation. The project was implemented between 2014 .01.09. to 2016.08.31. The participants of the project was a group of 32 students in the third grade of technical education in the professions: clothing technology technician, hairdresser and photographer and a group of 12 vacational subject teachers including vacational English language teachers. The project coordinator in CKZiU was an English teacher Mrs. Magdalena Domska experienced in the implementation of EU projects. In order to implement the project CKZiU partnered with companies European Projects Development from Portugal and Europroyectos from Spain. Both companies have extensive experience in the implementation of EU projects, the school worked with them during previous projects under the "Leonardo da Vinci". Experienced partners and a commitment from the school resulted in the fulfillment of all the objectives of the project. Students fully completed their internship program in the companies selected by the EPD and Europroyectos, according to their qualifications, skills and profile of education. Teachers accomplished the training for educational staff based on the "job shadowing" rules in the forms proposed by the partners in accordance with the established program, also had the opportunity to learn about Spanish and Portuguese educational system. From the point of view of the recipient main objective of the project was to raise the professional competence through the participation of students in the internships in the Spanish and Portuguese workplaces and mobility of educational staff. The curriculum has been adapted to the students theoretical knowledge gained in the professional classes in the first and second year. In addition, participants had the opportunity to familiarize with the work organization in Spanish and Portuguese firms, compare the educational systems, develop their interests, gain qualifications and skills that have been certified by the Europass Mobility and other certificates. Project participants increased their professional competence and gained new experiences . In addition they have improved their skills in the vacational English language and every day communication, . They became acquainted with the culture of partner countries , customs and history associated with the region. They improved the ability to communicate and collaborate in a group, often international, raised their self-esteem, independence they have broken the language barrier and have established international contacts. Involvement in the project and implementation of the internship by students in foreign companies, confirms the school position that practical knowledge gained during the project together with experience, professional skills and interpersonal skills will enable them to increase employment opportunities on the domestic and European labor market and will impact their personal development .Thanks to the mobility of education staff, teachers participating in the project had the opportunity to improve professional skills through active observation of the working methods at the Spanish and Portuguese schools and educational institutions ,to exchange experiences and good practices. They got to know the system and methods of education in their professions. They have developed communication skills, made new professional contacts and have tightened interpersonal relationships. The implementation of the project "Vocational education without borders ..."/”Kształcenie zawodowe bez granic...”, the participation of students and teachers influenced and at the same time improved the quality of school work its attractiveness. CKZiU is perceived as school investing in human capital. Implementation of the project resulted in establishing long-term cooperation - meeting in Spain with a school in Norway has resulted in successful application within the Scholarship and Training Fund(FSS) The application received a positive opinion and has been approved for implementation. The school also continues cooperation with the Spanish company "Nelson & Carreras," in which the students had their intership. Products of students work were presented during the elections of "Miss Spain Pacific World 2016" in Peru and were presented during the autumn's collection. The school significantly increased interest among students in participation in EU programs, which will probably increase the recruitment duringthe next school year.

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