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Kształcenie kadry Fundacji SYNAPSIS gwarantem wysokiej jakości oferty szkoleniowej oraz usług świadczonych na rzecz osób z autyzmem i zespołem Aspergera.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SYNAPSIS Foundation has developed the team of professionals for 25 years. A dynamic development of research, education and rehabilitation methods in autism as well as a development of new technologies in communication withpeople with autism has been observed recently. FS implements a new knowledge in Poland by trainings, conferences, courses, internships, lectures and translating publications for various target groups. This type of actions is particularlyimportant, since needs of people with autism are growing (UNO considered autism to be one of the most important health problems of the world) and universities in Poland do not train specialists in autism.Through the implementation of a project under the Erasmus+ Programme The SYNAPSIS Foundation started offering services to parents of very young children in a program for early detection of autism and for adults with autism, whichpractically don't receive professional educational and social support in Poland. For adults with autism FS set up a group home stays as short-term study program self-reliance, and develop various forms of employment and to assist inentering the open labour market.In order to meet a new challenges FS needs to develop skills and qualifications of managing team and managers of particular programmes/institutions. It needs to train specialists in particular fields, such as: methods of augmentativeand alternative communication, implementing computer technologies in communication and education of people with ASD, preparing them to adulthood by lifelong learning. FS's actions are precursory in Poland. There are no institutions in Poland, which can train the foundation's staff and with which, the foundation's staff can share experience. There is an indispensable need of regular contacts with experts, specialists and experienced service providers from UE member states.FS sent 6 people to the ITASD 2014 conference, titled "Digital solutions for people with Autism" in Paris in 3rd and 4th of October, 2014. It was the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technologies (IT) for Autism (ASD),organised by the Foundations Orange France and Orange Spain together with partnership organisations from EU and USA. During the conference, employees had a chance to learn the newest research results and their practical usage.The employees were chosen in that way to represent all three institutions run by FS, namely: diagnosis and consultancy centre, therapeutic and educational kindergarden and Atelier of Different Things (place of activation of adults withautism). From each institution two people were chosen: a person specialising in development of alternative communication and a person specialising in implementing new technologies in communication and education. Among them, therewere experienced practitioners as well as young professionals, who are still learning to work in this area. Enlarging a team of trainers in the foundation is necessary and caused by growing demand on external trainings organized by theFS.The second element of increasing qualifications of FS's staff was an observation of managing, service providing and training by 7 employees at big and strong organisation from Great Britain: NORSACA in Nottingham. NORSACAprovides a wide range of services for children and adults with autism and their families. It organises trainings for parents, professionals and people with ASD, on how to work with people with autism. It has an experience in providingservices, which FS has recently started to provide or is planning to provide in the nearest future. It is one of the most respected training organisations in Europe. Observing how it works gave a possibility to contact with leadingprofessionals in this area to FS's managing and therapeutic team.Thanks to Erasmus+ mobilities it is possible to influence parents, therapists, supporters and people with autism as well. The planned objectives have been achieved. Planned results such as two mobilities, the possibility of raisingqualifications of 13 participants in the mobility and training of over 100 staff of the Foundation and the integration of acquired during mobility information to the Foundation's training programs have been achieved.

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