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Krok po kroku do Europy
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school looks forward. Therefore, we wish to broaden our horizons and set new objectives. Despite our school is located in rural area and numbers 127 students, we think they have a right to be educated at the level at least comparable to municipal areas and other European nations. Our aims are as follows:- High teaching standards;- Innovative teaching methods;- Using ICT tools;- International dimension of education;- Constant development of educational staff.We have decided to follow them actively by means of the project “Step by Step to Europe”. It was developed according to the European Development Plan of Tadeusz Kościuszko Primary School in Regulice. The project aims at the repair and improvement of weaknesses of our institution which were indicated in the above mentioned plan.The general outcomes of the project are as follows:- Enhancing the European dimension of our institution;- Methodological and linguistic development of our staff;- Enhancing the quality of teaching;- Preparation for the future international cooperation.The specific objectives pursued by our Project are to:- Improve European awareness among teachers, students and indirectly in local community of our village;- Use innovative teaching methods;- Introduce good practices;- Use ICT tools in lessons;- Introduce culture elements in curricula;- Improve foreign language competences among teachers and management staff as the preparation for the future cooperation in the frame of eTwinning platform and Action KA2 Erasmus+;- Enable to use English resources and to participate in foreign methodological courses in the future.The project will include the participation of 7 teachers and members of the management staff in a language course, 5 teachers in three methodological courses and a study visit/seminar.The main activities of the project include:1) formulating the European Development Plan of Tadeusz Kościuszko Primary School in Regulice;2) developing the project in response to the needs of our school included in the European School Development Plan;3) looking for the appropriate training courses and making reservations;4) applying for the Erasmus+ grant;5) announcing the call for applications, accepting candidates’ applications and selecting the mobilities’ participants according to the established criteria;6) taking organizational actions connected with the mobilities;7) preparing the participants for their mobilities (organizational, cultural and substantive preparation)8) participating in the training courses:9) submitting the report after mobility;10) sharing the experiences and conclusions at the meetings with other teachers and in the local community;11) publication of “Bank of Good Practices and Experiences”;12) the direct implementation of the changes due to the acquisition of new skills and knowledge about modern teaching methods; monitoring the implemented changes.Methodology:1) identifying our school’s strengths and weaknesses, analyzing the school’s needs and individual training needs of our staff; drawing conclusions;2) strategic planning within the European School Development Plan;3) planning and organizing the mobilities;4) monitoring the courses participants’ activities and progress;5) planning on the basis of gained experience and acquired skills, implementation of changes, monitoring the effects.Expected results: 1) introduction of innovative teaching methods;2) the use of modern technology during lessons;3) publication of “Bank of Good Practices and Experiences”;4) improvement of curricula;5) linguistic preparation of our staff;6) establishing contacts and familiarisation with an international environment.Long-term benefits:1) equalization of educational chances in rural areas;2) better educational offer;3) improving the quality of teaching;4) better cultural awareness at our school and in the local community;5) the potential and motivation for further improvement and international cooperation – taking part in Action KA2 ‘Strategic Partnerships’;6) modern teaching methods used in classrooms;7) shaping the attitude of tolerance towards other cultures.

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