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Kreatywne wykorzystanie TIK w nauczaniu języka angielskiego
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Gimnazjum im. Polskich Olimpijczyków is a small village school playing an active part in a local community which main asset is the great potential of creativity. The school’s main priority is its stable development in all fields of its activity which focuses mainly on preparing students to live in the contemporary world, staff development and developing European dimension. The project aims at using ICT in a creative way for language teaching during obligatory and extracurricular classes. For this reason, a chosen teacher will participate in a mobility to acquire the necessary skills which will be further used in the classroom to teach students in a creative and motivating way by means of new technology . It is going to result in more effective language teaching and better exam results. Moreover, a motivated and well prepared teacher to use ICT will initiate an eTwinning project related to creative use of technologies for language teaching and learning and will enthusiastically search for prospective partners to run Erasmus + projects . Participation in the project will surely conclude in a boost of the professional image of the staff, students’ improvement in acquiring language skills as well as giving the school a wider European dimension. Its long term benefit will include school participation in the Erasmus + KA-2 programme.

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